Thursday, December 20, 2007

Sick Note
After finding some strength (in the form of Lemsip cold and flu sachets), this morning I made the desision to return to the blog.

So I've torn myself away from my "deathbed", and peeled a fair few sticky cough sweet wrappers from my skin on the way.

I've been hit by a bitch of a flu in the week running up to Christmas (is someone trying to tell me something?) and have been in bed for the past few days determined to get it out of my system before "the big day".
Perhaps I've been a little delirious too, because last night I dreamt that I was staying in Charlotte Gainsbourg's house (disappointingly rather like a squat with rooms stacked with mattresses and sheets) and also that Miley Cyrus came out as a lesbian.

Also, while lying on my deathbed I've had plenty of time to feel guilty about not being up to posting my Advent posts, but I shall try and deliver from here on..


emsie said...

i hope you get better soon!
please don't feel guilty
just get well :)


Susana Rodrigues said...

Hello :)

I also got a terrible flu a few weeks ago :(
I hope you feel well soon :)
I just want to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Fabulous New Year (without flus!)


Ella Gregory said...

Get better soon!!!!
I've been missing your posts
maybe you need an advent calendar with cough sweets behined each door?
x x x x

Mash said...

get better soon :) take care of you , drink hot tea and stay in bed it's an order

Lana said...

Get well soon! Hope you are before the big day!!

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

The flu is terrible. But your dreams seem delightful--I never thought of Miley Cyrus as a lesbian, but now that you wrote it I can't get it out of my head...

Michelle said...

Aww I hope you get well soon, flu are evil evil things! On the plus side, at least you get to go to Charlotte Gainsbourg house, the only celebrity house emerged in my dreams was Jimmy Saville, which frankly isn't the same thing.

Anonymous said...

oh no, feel better soon! i feel ur pain, for me christmas is the first hurdle, then its getting through AS exams straight after...

i hear chocolate is good on flu!


Anonymous said...

Lemsip is your nice to her and ye shall reap the benefits...

Carolina Lange said...

Your blog is really great!
I hope you get better soon!
Happy holidays!

rice paper girl said...

aw, I hope you get better soon!
would be amazing to actually visit charlotte gainsbourg's house though, wouldn't it?

Kendra said...

man that blows. There's nothing worse then being sick on christmas. I hope you feel better soon. I'm missing your daily advent postes.

Anonymous said...

sorry you don't feel well, get well soon though just in time for snow, presents, and cookies. i totally understand though where you are coming from, one xmas i had the stomach flu and another i got food poisoning

alluretone said...

i've been feeling sick also, this always happens to me around the holidays- uhgg. crazy, random dream. haha

Anonymous said...

Crazy dreams! Get well soon!

riz said...

Gosh that sux, keep thinking about getting well, and you will. That sort of works.

Siru said...

I'm sick too ! :')
so I do feel your pain.
hope you would get well.

juliet xxx

Ana said...

im sick as well-i have mono. when i told my friends this it resulted in juvenille cries "ooooo the kissing disease"
so er Feel Better soon!!!!

Miu Miu's Atelier said...

hope you have a fabulous Christmas and that you get better.

Liberty London Girl said...

get well soon! LLG xx

-S said...

in some respects, i understand that miley is this "generation's" spice girls. but really, at least the spice girls had talent, and no famous father that helped then get a contract. well, unless you call the achy breaky heart billy ray cyrus famous. maybe in 1995, but still.