Saturday, December 19, 2009

advent season: day nineteen: velvet dress


So a few weeks back I found this velvet dress in one of my local charity shops.
It was floor length, but after a couple of snips and rounds at the sewing machine from my lovely Granny I now possess a matching minidress and skirt.

Working at Topshop I am accustomed to seeing body conscious Velvet dresses on a daily basis, and I've been kind of over the whole super-tight-super-sexy velvet look look, but the loose fit of this one is so very cosy and I like that it is quite Cranberries-esque in that simple, slightly baggy way. It's a great go-to outfit during this cold weather when paired with 120 denier tights (brr!) and a slouchy cardigan.


Anonymous said...

love the dress, sexy and classy! the heels go so well

smalltownchic said...

ohk i adore your blog! and i love these shoes!!

trade links?

Marina said...

I think it looks great! And, the shape is definitely going to be comfortable. You should do a bold necklace with it if you would want to dress it up. :)

Iole said...

love the shoes too

Anonymous said...

those green shoes are so cute!! where did you get them?

Kat said...

very cool, stevie! completely agree, the skin tight velvet look is everywhere, love your looser style.

Anonymous said...

amaziiing :)
by the way, I'd like so much to work at topshop (you get discounts as a worker, don't you? probably the best of it)

Anonymous said...


Olivia Tripp said...

i need to be getting to charity shops more. I just never think to shop there.

Tuesdai said...

...I find the dress ok, but you wear it very well...and did a good job on it. Cute green suedes :)

A. said...

and it looks absolutely DIVINE paired with those green heels. colour done perfectly.


All Women Stalker said...

I am still jealous that you were able to buy those fab shoes at a thrift shop.


Ariela said...

Lovely dress! It looks gorgeous with those heels!


Ally said...

I recently bought a similar velvet dress too. I'm planning on wearing it Christmas day because it will allow me to eat as much as I want!! Yay for no body con!

WendyB said...

Nice find!

Stephanie said...

Lovely. It's so satisfying to be able to make a thrift store find into something fabulous.

Anonymous said...

Legs look super Steve! ;)

A La Mode said...

This is beautiful! What a find xox

Madelene said...

I always wear a black velvet dress for christmas, although mine is a swingy 50s one.

eb said...

i absolutely adore the shoes!! gorgeous colour and the dress is lovely. i have to say i'm not the biggest velvet body con fan either so it is refreshing to see a much more casual one


aindrea//fashionistadujour said...

ah stevie! that dress! :)
i bought a ridiculously long velvet skirt from ye olde charity shop weeks ago, and you've inspired me to get up and finally get it cut. i trust i'll see you at lfw come feburary? x

Fashion Tidbits said...

lucky you! i've yet to find a good priced velvet dress

Anonymous said...

it looks gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! I got me a velvet skirt in H&M and it is super warm and comfy!

Siru said...

I love that look! I'm too body concious to wear skin tight velvet dress ( it's hard to please), so this loose fit looks gorgeous!

juliet xxx