Pretty speedy turnaround time between Paris and Stockholm.
I have spent much of today angering Mother Nature by putting on three loads of washing and rushing into town to pick up Swedish Kroner (which incidentally though not at all surprising is very pretty indeed, who knew?)
Paris was wonderful. Joanna, who I know through my best friend Lily was the perfect travel companion and the flat we stayed in (which belongs to her family) was just what we needed; quintessentially French in that slightly outdated way- walls full of framed maps and shelves full of pottery mugs. We bundled ourselves up each day and braved the cold to see the sights. Come the evening we would retire to the flat, listen to the family's selection of CDs (now converted fan of Scott Joplin and Charles Trenet) drink Gin, eat pasta and apply some red lippie before hitting the Latin Quarter for some drinks. We went to a place called The Wall near Cardinal Lemoine two nights in a row after enjoying ourselves there. We made friends with the guy on the door 'Call me Kemps' and while Joanna puffed away on cigarettes with a guy I had his friends teach me naughty French slang.
Photos to come once I am back from Sweden and have had them developed. This will have been a very exciting couple of weeks for me, and proof to myself that I have done something interesting during my gap year.
Thanks everyone for your recommendations for both of the cities. Sadly, I concluded after Paris that it's not the best city for Vintage (understandable, classic pieces and lots of dark colours seems to be more their forte) though I did manage to pick up this little Rabbit fur hat which I'm wearing in the picture. Sadly can't remember the name of the shop but it was a bit of a gem. Run by a guy called Laurent (naturellement) and just off Rue Saint Antoine (which is the street connecting Rue Rivoli to Place de le Bastille). I have higher expectations for shopping opportunies in Stockholm, though. Ellis is literally peeing herself with excitement over Monki and Weekday (quite right too) though I may have to hold her by the scruff of her neck to prevent her from spending her entire January wages there..
Back at the weekend!