I'm off to Scotland for a few days. My best friend's mum is getting married to a lovely Salmon Farmer so I'm heading up to Angus for a few days to stay at Lily's country pad before the Wedding. This is after stopping over in Edinburgh tonight to see Joanna for the first time since we said goodbye at Heathrow Airport after our 7 weeks around America. Please note that most of my friends do not have country houses; Lily is the brilliant exception. I'm relishing the idea of a few days of reading, no phone signal and last minute prepping before the homebased ceremony on Saturday. Her traveling around India means I haven't seen Lily for 8 months, so I can't wait for a lovely tight reunion hug.
Now all I have to do is finish the tedious task of packing. Does anybody in the world actually enjoy packing? I really am curious.
On a side note, I bought this very sweet lunchbox/flask set from eBay this morning. September may be a while off yet but I'm starting to feel the rumblings of that excitable back to school feeling. It's amazing what a gap year and university on the horizon can do for kick starting education enthusiasm..