It has been revealed the Lindsay Lohan is to be the new face of Miu Miu for their spring 2007 campaign, which I find pretty insulting!
I love Miu Miu, and even more I love them for the fact that their adverts feature interesting celebrities and models who have individual styles and unique looks. They're featured lesser known stars and big personalities, and I think its great that they featured models with a 33 year age gap in last years campaign. (eg, the Kim B and Camille B ad below).

So the fact that from all the talent out there, they've settled for Lindsay (who in my opinion these days is just another tiring LA It girl, who is overpaid, overfeatured and over-revealing her desicion to go free in the pant department!) is such a shame. (But PS, the "Paris is a cu*t" thing was funny, watch the video here. what. an. idiot.) http://perezhilton.com/topics/lindsay_lohan/lindsay_paris_is_a_cunt_20061109.php
Wonder if she'll actually turn up for the shoot? The photographers are the duo Mert Alas and Marcus Piggott who have been responsable for the photos used in campaigns for Louis Vuitton and covers for W and I:D, as well as taking photos of Kate M, Madonna and Kylie. See below and you'll probably recognise their work.

Have Miu Miu made the wrong choice? and has Li.Lo entered the "crash and burn" stage?
Heres an extract from L-Lohan.com about her bad experience at the World Music Awards in London this week.
One of the worst things that could happen to someone is getting booed off stage, another would be falling.
...Welcome to Lindsay Lohan's world.
Lohan had jetted to London to host the 2006 World Music Awards in London only to find an audience that wasn't too thrilled with the redhead.
Apparently, Lohan was booed off the stage!
However, despite the cold reception from the audience, Lohan smiled her way through several clothing changes and hosting scenes until she fell down the stairs.
Talk about the last straw...
As Lohan was walking backstage, reports claimed that she fell down the stairs (though not injuring herself).
"Lindsay was devastated," a source said. "She came off stage and fell, and so she had to give up. It looked incredibly painful."
Theres no sign of a clip on Youtube...
Lindsay's been heading for a crash and burn. You'd think that MiuMiu wanted to sell their clothes instead of turning away customers with Hohan plastered all over their ads.
I would think MiuMiu would have had enough sense to get a classy celeb like pass models (Maggie Gyllenhal, Camille Belle, etc.) UGH! I half expected her to say she didn't show up for the photo shoot because of "exhaustion" or a surprise "asthma attack." (I don't understand, she gets frequent ashthma attacks, yet she smokes a pack a day. )
Okay, that's enough of my Lindsay rant, I send my condolences to Miuccia.
i find it insulting too, i used to love the chic sofistication of the camilla belle adds, and the chic sofistication of miu miu itself.
going with LiLo is the wrong thing to do. i have nothing against her (she has a great stylist!) but, her as a model just doesn't work. i think they should go with an up-and-coming actress such as Chloe Sevigny or Zooey Deschanel (who i think would be perfect for a miu miu add)
Yes! I agree with both of you. And its funny that you mentioned Chloe S, Miss Sixty because she was a model in ne of their campaigns a few years back.
Zooey would be fantastic too, but as soon as you start getting into Lohan territory...its over!
S xx
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