Friday, November 10, 2006

London kids

Whilst flicking through the photos on the website, I came across some very well dressed people indeed. They were guests to the launch of Exceptional Youth, which was an exhibit at the National Portrait Gallery and was hosted by Teen Vogue editor Amy Astley.

mostly relatively unknown on the fame scale (or people with Rich Dads), and unsurprisingly from london, I thought it would make a special post, and a change from posts about well known people.

Lily Maguire and Tiger Chadwick
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Joanna Natasegara and Henry Holland
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Henry Holland is the designer of the fantastic humorous designer slogan tees. The catchphrases include "Get Yer Freak On Giles Deacon" and "Do Me Daily Christopher Bailey"

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting

The tees are dirt cheap for what they are and you can find them at knock yourself out!

Edit 2007: Don't even think about it...look away from the House of Holland tees. They're not to be considered anymore, understand?

Leith Clark and Erdem designer Edrem Moralioglu.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

stay tuned for a post of some of Erdem's spring 2007 designs...

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

they did good in the dress department didn't they? those londoners...


  1. Wow I actually love the last pics' girls' outfits. Love the layering of the I<3NY Tee without looking like a tourist.

  2. i love london! when i went to london i was amazed at how stylish the young people just walking down teh streets looked!

  3. aaah! i sweat london

    i agree with teresa, that red dress is perfect to wear right now.

    i might have to go listen to some lily allen right now and online shop as asos

  4. I was about to say which ones I liked the best...but I think that all of them are dressed fabulously! Good pics!

  5. wow they do look awesome..bizzare in a good way :)

  6. Anonymous1:41 am BST

    the girl with the afro is a model called Julia. and tiger chadwick isn't really anonymous, she is the artist Mark Quinn's stepdaughter. Trying to find anonymous girls will be pretty hard on - the event these photos are from was invite only, invites that arrive because of their famous parents or because they're models. I know I sound extremely bitter, i do think Tiger and Lily look great but perhaps you should take some of your own photos; of girls on the street or your friends, not young privileged aspiring socialites that already receive a disproportionate amount of attention for doing very little.
