Saturday, December 30, 2006

The Ashley Hair Cycle

...Guess what!...

Ashley has done it again.

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It seems this girl just can't make up her mind.

and she's fueled round two of the blonde vs brunette olsen debate.



  1. Will they make up their mind on a hair color?

  2. I like Ashley much better blonde and MK is better with red.

  3. haha i couldn't agree more!
    also for a strange reason, it seems that brown is too heavy on ashley's features but compliments Mary-Kate. It's probably as Mary Kate's look is more edgy and rock. I think Ashley should stick with blonde.

  4. I liked the brunette Ashley, it was a nice change. Much better than freaky peroxide-blonde MK!!!

  5. I prefer ashley blonge and wavey, and Mary Kate dark and straight. Dont we all love those twins?

  6. i love that she went back to blonde. it loks much much better. now, if only we can get mary-kate to go back to brunette.

  7. whoa. it's like she did nothing to her hair. i like her better as a blonde and wavy. mk as red/brown wavy.
