Monday, December 11, 2006

Madonna finds something else to add to her CV!

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From countless Albums to (flop) films, and from Sex books to childrens books, Madge is adding yet another collection with H and M to her CV.

But hopefully rather than last times tacky plastic tracksuits, something a little more sophisticated will be in order! The collection is a collaboration with the shop's artistic director Margareta van den Bosch who also collaborated with Stella McCartney as part of her collection for the store. Somehow I can't imagine to same riots taking place in H and M stores; shes hardly Viktor and Rolf or Stella!

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The collection is called " M by Madonna" (hmm.. how imaginative) and is set to hit les stores next march. She said "To work with Margareta and H&M is for me a new challenge and exciting."

Looks like Madge is set to take a leaf of out the 'celebrity collaborations book' because both Jade Jagger and Kate Moss are releasing collections in the same month.

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