Thursday, December 21, 2006

The Seven Days of Christmas: Day Four

Day Four: Dunst Special

Kirsten Dunst is one of my style icons, purely because she has the ability to go from grungey-casual daywear to red-carpet-glamour so easily. I've found some of my favourite examples of her street looks, and discovered that just like everyone, Kiki has her favourite pieves that she rewears and rewears (Although unlike everyone, they happen to include a chanel handbag!), but christ, the RayBans never leave her head!

Anyway, its very refreshing to see that despite her celebrity status, she doesn't feel obliged to only wear something once, and that she settles for simple things!

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All original photos from (Accessorised by Discotheque Chic)



  1. Anonymous3:36 pm GMT

    The backlash against her (at least in the States, always confused me because the quality of her films and her individual sense of style never really changed. I like that she looks casual and grungy and don't understand why she gets slammed for it while Mary Kate gets lauded.

  2. I love look 2 and 5 and you're right, she really can change quickly. ;)

  3. Thats true, is she hated by the press in the US or something? Because whenever I log onto Perez Hilton, hes always slagging her off.

    Mind you, he slags off anyone it seems.

    S xx

  4. Oh, I wouldn't mind being the owner of that wardrobe! She's adorable!

  5. I like all the looks except for numero uno but I hate her old lady red carpet style.

  6. i admit, ive sort-of been copying you..with counting style icons.
    i felt bad so i wrote up a props.

  7. Anonymous7:47 pm GMT

    yesyes! Kirsten is true to herself and she always, well almost, looks cool. I love how casual she is, and how un-trendy she is.

  8. I agree. I haven't really thought about it unntil now.
    Anyway, this was really interesting!

  9. great style, but she cannot act

  10. Do u mind about me using these photos? If not i will delet the post. Thank u-Teen Vogue

  11. Sometimes I am bot a fan of Kristen's clothes but other times she does look great.

  12. Also I love her hair in look 3. I think I will have to have that hair for Christmas.

  13. tres stylish.
    & yes, lets trade links :]

  14. i wouldn't take thoes ray bans off either! they're the perfect shape, although if i was as rich as her i would have a bit more selection. i don't think she's hated by the press at all in the US, there's really no reason to. i love all the outfits except the 1st one. i'm especially liking the 2nd look, the leopard shirt looks awesome with the skinny. i don't like her with that long red hair. blonde just makes her face glow a bit more.

    btw tom cruise with braces was horrifying & yes, lets trade links.

  15. i love all of her outfits apart from the first one.
    she's one of my style icons as well but ir ead an interview with her in InStyle and she sounded so mean so i stopped liking her. and also she was in elizabeth town, which is kind of degrading.
    but she was good in marie antoinnette.
