Thursday, December 07, 2006

Urban Street Style

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Every girl needs to have a grungey skateboard chic moment. Afterall, why do you think Marissa was with Volchok?

skate chic icon: Jemma Pearl from Be Your Own Pet

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So here are some sweeet sights to dream about. (ps, copy and paste the text under each image if you want to know the product details)

Makes me think of Lou Pucci in Thumbsucker!
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Concrete Playground
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In the Hood
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Cupcake heavenhell
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Love this picture its really edgy yet sexy. Its on the front cover of my copy of "Valley of the Dolls". Great book!
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Forget Marissa; this is doing it Cohen style!

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I scream for Ice Cream!

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Thats all dawlls

off to Paris for the weekend so will report back next week init


  1. Yey! a UK blogger
    I really like the tshirt with the girl on it
    very cool

  2. thanks! im getting one book also... Teenage Beauty Book by Bobbi Brown- its amazing!
    i really want an official fashion sketchbook, but honestly...$300 for a notebook? i could buy a Marc Jacobs shirt with that... haha
    ohh you live in the UK? thats so chic! ive never been out of the USA, but next summer my family's going on a european tour!
    states are how we divide up the sure you have something similr in the UK, and cities are within the states
    i realllyyy want those Chloe boots haha

  3. wow some of this stuff is lovely. especially the grey sweater. i think in december cosyness is the most importnant factor of an outfit.
