Saturday, February 17, 2007

The end of an era: When Trailer Trash Chic turned V for Vendetta.

It seems that Britney has finally hit rock bottom!

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We've all been watching her party with Paris and co, but I really didn't think it would get this bad. I feel bad for Britney, because I think she'll figure out during this that Paris isn't the friend she thought she was. I can't imagine her being there to support her, infact I can imagine her just laughing about the whole thing.

In a moment of self destruction she shaved all her hair off saying "I don't want anyone touching me. I'm tired of everybody touching me"

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Britney was spotted in a tattoo parlour afterwards, getting a pair of lips inked onto her right wrist.

I feel very sorry for Britney indeed! One word pops to mind: Rehab.


  1. oh my god is that for real????
    what is wrong with her. not that it looks so bad but it seems like she just wakes up in the morning and is like 'ill get married today'
    'i'll shave my head this morning'
    she has some serious issues.

    love the makeover of your blog though.

  2. There's only one person in the whole world who can pull off this hair cut well: Natalie Portman. She has the face. But Britney?? Poor girl. She used to look nice a few years ago.

  3. ugh she needs help...please britney!

    i like your page makeover though!

  4. why oh why oh why oh why....... i was hoping for a comeback, but it looks like k-fed is doing better these days...

  5. Kabbalah is so out. New religious trend in Hollywood: B U D D I S M. Hello?! ;D

  6. i actually like it.
    kudos britney
    on the up side now we dont have to see her with those bad extensions anymore

  7. i cant wait for all the preps in my school to grab the trusty razor too

  8. Poor Britney. What was she thinking? I feel bad for her, and I hope she has people she can lean on for support. Only Natalie Portman can pull that off.

  9. natalie portman looked gorgeouss with the bald head and the pink hair in that one movie.. i forgot the title. i've never seen born free- is it good?

    britney sounds like a weirdo saying she doesn't want anyone touching her.. and come on doesn't she know that the bald look totally does not suit her face?!

  10. im not sure how you put picture there. i tried to do it once but it all went crazy and i havent been brave enough to try again.

  11. i completely agree i feel so sad for her and now she's got a weird blonde short wig...=S

  12. Great title!!!!

    Britney is crying out for help.
