Saturday, March 10, 2007

Street Style

National Portrait Gallery, London, Saturday 3rd March.

Gift Shop Staff Chic
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

"I'm meant to wear all black, but I don't really conform!"

And thank god she doesn't! In Cheap Monday skinnies, metallic brogues and retro headscarf, she beats down Mary Kate and Ashleys lame attempts at recreating the turban look, by pairing her headscarf with an effortless, laid back charm.


  1. This may seem weird, but I am desperate for music, and I noticed you have really good taste, so I was wondering if maybe you had some suggestions for me? I'd REALLY appreciate it. I'm going crazy.

  2. *desperate for new music*

  3. wow i love the shoes. she looks cool. im a big fan of the national portrait gallery, its one of my fave gallerys in london.
    did you go to the V&A while you were in London? cos thats amazing.

  4. you're right, she looks fab....the NPG is one of my favorite London spots, and I love how you can get any image in their collection printed out onto a poster.e
