Sunday, May 06, 2007

The A-Z of Life at TeenVogue

Wouldn't we all jump at the chance of taking a peek? Take a trip and learn what its like to be an intern at the worlds biggest teen fashion magazine.

Standing in on shoots and unpacking Christopher Kane clothes? Jealous?


  1. i would love to work at teen vogue
    i cannot think of anything better
    except maybe working at grazia
    my week revolves around that magazine
    even my newsagent knows my name cos im in there every tuesday morning before 8
    i was actually going to ask if you would rate some looks for the hit and miss one week
    i thought it might give it an interesting touch
    oh and jack didnt really miss drew barrymore
    he adores her more than himself (which is a lot) i only wrote miss so hed get angry which is always entertaining

  2. LOL at Coco, J'adore Grazia too!
