Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Lindsay Lohan

It's hardly Rocket Science to state that many people consider Lindsay Lohan as somewhat of a modern day style icon...

While many people (myself included) may not approve of the loves of her life...(Calum Best, Cocaine and Dina Lohan, anyone?) its hard not to take a fancy to some of the gear that she parades around LA in.

Of late she seems to have a new BFF. No, not Samantha Ronson, I'm talking about that straw hat stolen from Li.Lo's girl crush Irina Lazareanu (but give credit to Karl..)

I'm rather relieved that Lindsay and Rachel Zoe have truly left the old Zoebot trademarks of bib dresses, floatty halternecks and all things boho chic in the past.

Its more than can be said for Mischa Barton...

Instead she has adapted to the bold look of 2007. Square shapes, strong silhouettes and more masculine that feminie, 2007 is clearly not the conventional style of Rachel Zoe. And as hard as it is to say it (my teeth are gritted right now..) Raisinface seems to have done A OK.

We all know that Lindsay wanted the Chanel campaign, but personally, I just don't think it was for her. Chanel is such an iconic brand and I think shes too young and controversial to be fronting a campaign for them. I've always been rather sceptical of the idea of her fronting campaigns, but she proved us wrong with the Miu Miu and it looks like shes done it again with this new Jill Stuart ad.


  1. the miu miu ads of her should just DIE! they are horrible. but as for her style, her stylist better be making a killing in $. and i love love love the patent leather (?) coat she wore!

  2. I really liked the MiuMiu ads and now that fedora that she takes everywhere. But I was so happy when I came into your blog!! Suddenly I started hearing a song I had been looking for everywhere and didn't have the name from a Chanel collection!! God now I have it! Thanks!


  3. That shoot for Jill Stuart is really nice :). And very very VERY stupid that EG stopped at the UK!

  4. so li lo and l. laz might be "besties"? destruction bound to happen! she's loosing weight again too i see

  5. First time I saw the ads for Miu Miu I didn't recognize her , thougt it was a model . She did a perfect job but she's not as chic as Irina for doing Chanel .

  6. i really like her new look, she looks so much happier and healthier before. dina lohan and cocaine don't do anything for me but i do have a very guilty crush on callum best. did you watch love island last year? (god, us brits obsessed with our reality tv) ever since then i have loved him to bits.

  7. Anonymous9:42 pm BST

    ugh, I thought she was terrible in the Miu Miu ads. I don't think she should be in any major campaigns until she gets her reputation in check.

  8. Yeah, she isn't classy or cool enough to pull off Chanel.

  9. I like the Miu Miu pics but other than that, non, sorry but Lindsay is too slutty for high fashion!

  10. PS: Stevie, Thanks for your comment, I already linked you ages ago :)

  11. don't get me wrong- i really like her style but i am just truly sick of hearing about her... i mean it's like every day now that there has been some new "firecrotch" sighting or coke snorting pics. but i will admit that she loks really great in almost everything she wears (another reason to hate her right?) and i'm glad to see that in the past few months she has kind of branched out from the a-type normal LA girl kind of look (aka outfits designed by rachel zoe).

  12. I don't like Lindsay Lohan. She dresses too old for her age sometimes and I just don't like her. I don't need a reason to I guess. And she DEFINITELY should not be chosen for the Chanel campaign, she's MUCH too young and in no way an icon. The Miu Miu ads were ok- I guess it's because she doesn't even look like herself.

  13. she blates wanted that campaign but as IF she would ever get it shes had NUFF tabloids on her and contro regarding her weight, alcohol probs, questionable substance abuse and excessive partying and shes too young it doesnt send out a particularly respectable message to the masses of chanel fans. and shes a crap actress. EVEN though i love Parent Trap, shes never done anything other than Mean Girls that's been anything to shout about (herbie, anyone).. and you can't be named an icon just because you played a bitch on a cult teen movie, right? great post xx

  14. her hair annoys me why did she have to dye it...everyone was like oh for once a person happy with her ginger hair and her body but then she dies her hair and goes on a diet urrgh

  15. Anonymous7:10 am BST

    Great blog !
    Marina (from France)

  16. i like lindsay as a doll for fashion designers to play with
    she dresses well and looks cool pretty much all the time but i think she's probably a little annoying as a person
    although watching her on ellen she seems ok
    but i think her style now is probably more her own than zoes
    i wasnt keen on that rainbow dress though, i just think it made her look paris hilton alike

  17. I loved her in that rainbow Leger dress! She looked hot. And yes, would love to swap links. You're there. Mrs F x

  18. Anonymous6:16 pm BST

    ooh thanks so much for this lovely post, she is so dynamic, and the rainbow dress! hot! l-lo haters... oh my. i don't understand. for some reason, i have a bit of compassion for her.

    i can relate to her misguided youth... oh dear, when i was her age, i was a trashy mess. i hope nothing tragic happens to her, because there is an underlying brilliance in her controversial actions!

    btw. i love love love your blog! it's so fun!

  19. I completely agree with you, Jennine.

    She's just living her life and of course shes going to be more wild than lots of other poeple, purely because shes so in the limelight.

    and quite frankly, I think its refreshing. Shes not marketed like other celebrities as being pure.

    and anyway, who doesn't love a bit of traassh?

    S xx

  20. Whew, thank god she isn't going to be the face of Chanel. Back to rehab she goes!
