Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Thats what I'm talking about!

yess, and Miss Parker hits the nail right on the head with the street chic.

Its all about mixing your comfy-est clothes and slightly fug hair but still managing to inject a bit of chic. A frapp here, a nice pairs of shades there.

Ok, so she may look like a bit of an ASDA mum, but I think shes on the right side of the boundary without looking too Mary Kate.

Other examples:

Kate Hudson, Rachel, Kirsten D and Drew Barrymore and Cameron Diaz also demonstrate the "fug chic" look well.

But remember, this is an anti-look. It's for those days when your hair could do with a wash but you feel perfectly contend, and maybe a little rebelious, walking around in an old cardigan, your battered converse and an oversize white tee.

But theres a difference between this and walking down the road with under a blanket with furry teeth and smelly toenails. Yes, yes there is.


  1. i love that look it is just soo comfy and walking down a street in a blanket is comfy too.
    You live in Bristol? kl. Are you going to audition for the next series then??

  2. i loved this post
    sjp can do no wrong in my eyes
    all my friends hate her but i worship her and get hurt when they talk badly of her
    i havent been watching it on 4, i have them all on dvd and go through series at a time
    2 is one of my personal faves though
    i love the fur coat she wears in the first episode of it
    i am also obsessed with those boots rachel bilson is wearing it that pic
    they look so comfy

  3. Oh I love walking around in big sized t-shirts. But I always wear them with a waistbelt or with skinny jeans.

  4. Anonymous4:45 pm BST

    I think the Chucks and shades really do make this a smidgen cooler than your average mom schlumping around. The tee's a bit too shapeless for me but she pulls it off with how fit she is.

  5. I don't care what the Go Fug Yourself girls say, I will always have a soft spot for SJP and all of her clothes[even if I do somewhat hate Sex and the City].

  6. Anonymous6:34 am BST

    sjp does not convince me at all - the others on the other hand absoulutely do. I cannot understand the whole hype about sjp, I think her style is a little weird in a nerd way.

  7. I don't really like SJP's outfit, I love Rachel's though.

  8. great post! It makes me want to hang around in comfy clothes ;)

    You have a lovely blog btw!
