Monday, June 18, 2007

Yvan paps a perfect look.
This girl is genius.

That is all.


  1. No, that's not offensive at all, because I don't blame the Brits for the views they have of Americans.

    The problem is that most people only see our leader....and... well, he's not at all representative of a lot of Americans. Because it seems like we're only in the news when it's negative, and no one ever sees the positive side of America.

    Like I said before, many of us DEPISE the general culture... when I see a minivan pulling up to the mall, or obese people at a fast food place... ugh, it just makes me gag. It's kind of like... we can't help were we're from, you know? We just get stuck there. Like some really boring, unoriginal people are born in New York City, while some really cool, unique people live in small towns. It's just weird. Like, I could've been a whole different nationality, or....

    Bleh, this is getting overly philosophical! I guess what I'm trying to say is that not all of America is this commercialized wasteland. There's a lot of good stuff about it too.

    Oh, I'm from Pennsylvania, by the way. Farm country. Ick.

  2. Anonymous3:23 am BST

    Because there was a thread recently about smoking models/socialites/celebs...
    but the thread was mostly about how the magazine, Teen Vogue, doesn't say much about it.

  3. the girl pulls off the look perfectly. though it's something i probably would never wear.

    i was suprised to see Demi wear the YSL dress, but she looked so gorgeous in it!

  4. That picture was from Yvan's Helsinki ( Finland) -post, wasn't it?

    ( and yeah,i'm Finnish :D )

  5. i love that she pulls it off so well

  6. What can i say? It is very close to perfection..

  7. i would never wear it but it looks amazing on her

  8. It looks cool, she pulls it off but I'm not terribly fond of those pants.

  9. she looks great, but its not my style


  10. you have been tagged - c website

  11. ps...ive linked you too! great site
    - adrian from fashion verbatim

  12. I Love your blog :) Seems like you know what you are talking about! I can't say that I love the style of the girl myself, but I love people who can do something different, and not do what everyone else does! That takes currage! BTW: What does this tags thing mean? I am cluless....

  13. I Love your blog :) Seems like you know what you are talking about! I can't say that I love the style of the girl myself, but I love people who can do something different, and not do what everyone else does! That takes currage! BTW: What does this tags thing mean? I am cluless....

  14. wonderful trousers. I need me a pair of those.

    p.s. I looove tyra's dress from the post below

  15. I love that outfit! I actually saw a pair of trousers today that looked a lot like the ones the girl is wearing, only less cool.

  16. god that looks ahhhhmazing on her. i wish i could pull it off (which i could never do) since she does it perfectly

  17. i "tagged" you! Although you've probably already been tagged. Just in case you haven't just check out my blog for what you have to do. It's pretty fast and easy.
