When it comes to matchy matchy, the usual rule is that it is something that couples should avoid.
Anyone who has ever seen a pap shot of Victoria and David should know this, and presumably because of their influence, the same now goesr for Tom and Katie.
But after spotting Diane Kruger and Joshua Jackson's get ups, I think an exception to the rule must be made. This picture seems to be full of things that just shouldn't be right, but somehow just are and work so well.
Firstly, this is the "his 'n hers" factor, and secondly its those bloody desert scarves! These have had some serious over exposure in my opinion (and yet Balenciaga still incorporated them into their winter collection!...)
How is it that Josh and Diane manage to carry them off in a way that is chic and smart and sexy, rather than fashion victim, bandwagon jumpers, and mutton dressed as lamb? I think its because its simply them.

And I love her shoes. Spiky Louboutins? I've tried to work out which ones they are, but can't. The little spike like gems add an edginess to the shoeswhose red soles are nowadays mostly assosiated with fashion wannabes and footballers wives (Oh, and those rip offs in New Look!)

But Who can blame her? They're certainly a refreshing change from the hoards of Raybans and LA oversizes. And I'd like to point out that they're not Linda Farrows like I said they were a few posts ago, they're AM Cosbey.

Spot the Difference
And did anyone catch a glimpse of Gwyneth Paltrow at the Comic-Con? I loved the colouring of her dress, and her red lipstick was very flattering, but she just seemed a little rigid to me, A little shy and embarrased to be in the limelight. And her trademark straightened tresses looked a little old and dry. She just looked a bit like she didn't want to be there. Thoughts?

PS, Vaguely disappointed that I didn't get a chance to blog yesterday, but it was my birthdayyy! Had a lovely weekend of eating and socialising, which is a perfect way to spend time, in my opinon. Got lots of lovely presents, and lots of new additions to my wardrobe. Hoorah!