In the past two posts, I have delved into territory that usually, I would avoid. "Fun-for-all-the-Family" entertainment in the form of Harry Potter and The Simpsons just isn't very cool. Well, Harpers Bazaar* have quite possibly changed my mind.. The fashion magazine has injected some genius humour into their stuffy pages. How funny are Velma and whatshername, chainsmoking under Viktor and Rolf's controversial lighting dresses?
I would have expected something as genius as this to have come from POP!, but Harpers Bazaar?* Getting Groening to etch your editorial is one smart move, and even more so when there is The Simpsons movie to market to the fashion crowd. So what happens when the 1st (yellow) take a trip to Paris with, you guessed it, Linda Evangelista as their tourguide? Dude, I had Liya Kebede showing me the sights of Bilbao.. Yes it gets better... run ins with Karl, dress up with Donatella and runwy prep with Viktor and Rolf. Jealous, me?

The KEDS campaigns still seem to be going strong. As much as I like them, I still haven't been convinced that the granny daps are something that I would want to be seen in..
But as cheesy as they are, I'm still a sucker for a bit of "Cool Is..." even if the phrase may have been overplayed a little now? How many seasons worth of these campaigns has I flipped through in Teen Vogue, I wonder? Thoughts? Bored or Brilliant?MK looked as teeny and fabulous as ever when she turned up to the Weeds press conference. Not sure who she is wearing, but I'm sniffing a bit of vintage? She's always fantastic at accessorising too, in my opinion. Steering away from the mathcy-matchy ala Paris.
Not at all believing those rumours of Sibling Rivalry that I read in Grazia last week? Apparently Ashley disaproves of MK's relationship with Max Snow (who by the bay is Uma Thurman's cousin!)
I say what.everrrrr.
Not at all believing those rumours of Sibling Rivalry that I read in Grazia last week? Apparently Ashley disaproves of MK's relationship with Max Snow (who by the bay is Uma Thurman's cousin!)
I say what.everrrrr.
*Thanks Mrs Fashion for the correction. The Simpsons ed is in Harpers Bazaar, not Tatler as I said. I always get these two posh ladyyy glossies mixed up! Personally I never read them myself, so thats probably why!...
I actually was trying to buy Keds and I watched the ad and surprisingly I was like in love with it...i want hot british boys carrying me on their shoulders and following me around, lol ;)
i am going to have to get that tatler. i think that keds is trying way to hard to be 'cool'
yay you're back! I love that spread so much, and they're really pulling out all the stops to advertise the movie aren't they?
yay you're back! I love that spread so much, and they're really pulling out all the stops to advertise the movie aren't they?
weird we practically did the same post :P
hahahahah grazia is the source of all knoledge
i quote grazia on everything it drives my friends mad, but i love it when they write about the olsens
i agree she looked fab as always in that dress
i wish i had her hair as well
and Tatler is actually getting better in my opinion although i could never buy it every month
and i hadnt seen that keds campaign thanks for posting it
i love mischa in those ads
i love love love mk's ensemble. good choice.
i love that simpsons/tatler thingy it is such an ingenius idea and also i like some keds but i can never find anywhere to buy them as the only place in england i have seen them is shu and i have never seen a shu in london if u know any other places i am open for suggestions. But i think the ad is stupid and very cheesy but i would love to be mischa barton in the ad it would have been such a good ad to do
p.s sorry another comment! the pictures on my blog of the model were from her agency and to see them go to this http://www.selectmodel.com/site/select.aspx and then go to the verve and go to erin fee
Um, it was (US) Harper's Bazaar - not Tatler. Look at the fonts...
Mrs F x
I love Simpsons!!
And the pics with Karl, Donatella, V&R are soo funny
Great post!!
Fashionable Simpsons lol! And that dress looks good on MK!
I love the simpsons! They look way funny! Very nice post.
I love the simpsons (editorial?) too . Think it's funny with Karl :)
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