Saturday, September 01, 2007

September the first is Discotheque Confusion's first birthday. The last 12 months have flown by so quickly, but at the same time, it's pretty funny looking back at my older posts and comparing them to the posts that I publish now. To mark 365 days (so far) of the blog, I'll be 'hosting' an exciting week of posts because everyone loves an extended birthday celebration, don't they?

The collage above is made from magazine editorials that were around at the time. If any of you are feeling especially geeky, and feel like telling me which magazines they're from (September 2006) then go for it, and you can have an extra party bag (ahem).

I'd like to thank my parents, my manager, my ballet teacher, my singing teacher, my violin teacher, my synchronised swimming teacher, God, and my fans...

And without going all Halle Berry, I want to thank all of you who read this, because reading your feedback and funny comments always makes me smile, and gives me a reason to do this. Especially Coco (best blogger buddy, ha), Cool Like Chloe (I'm absolutely gutted that her blog came to an end this month), Alluretone, FashionOrgasm for all inspiring me and being cooland of course my first readers (dusk&summer, I ♥fashion, fashion? yes please (who I'll always remember as my first "encourager", even if she went M.I.A.).

Also thanks to those readers who don't comment, I know that dulcie reads, but isn't a blogger for example, it would be great to hear from you all more often, I'd love to know who you are!

I'm planning on recreating one of my old posts (whooa, circa 2006, retro..) so let me know if you have/had any favourites and do let me know! I'm also giving you free reign on deciding what will be the finale post (next saturday) so let me know what you want to read. It could be about Models of the Moment, Muses, Celebrity fashion hits/disasters, IT Bags...anything! So scibble away and get creative with your comments.
I know there are lots of other anniversaries (is that the plural?..) coming up, like My Teen Vogue and Coco's Tea Party, so happy birthday y'all!

...but most of all, happy first birthday D I S C O T H E Q U E C O N F U S I O N !


  1. Happy Bithday! Wow one year! Congrats! This post was hilarious and the last one with Dita and Evan, wickedly fun. Oh and since you were wondering I am a guy. And I love your blog, I'm linking you too!

    Happy BDay!


  2. wow, happy birthday! great work, i love your blog. maybe you could give some of advice to me, for my blog?

    any of the above would be great posts. i think i'd like to see something about muses ;)


  3. congratulations!
    your blog has been in my favourites list for a while :]
    i check it at least once a day.


  4. happy birthday!!

    left you something on my blog :]

  5. HAPPY (blog) BIRTHDAY! You were one of the first blogs that I read religiously when I was a young lass in the blogosphere; I can't believe it's already been a year. Here's to another year of fashion, models, and Mischa Barton rants/raves!

  6. Hey.

    Woah! You've come a looooong way in one year. Hmmm, why don't you do a piece on your own personal style? I'm sure loads of us will be really keen.

    Happy birthday!!

  7. Anonymous11:01 am BST

    Congratulations! Happy Birthday! and you're my Rockin'Girl Blogger!!!

  8. Anonymous11:06 am BST

    awww!! thanks for the mention!! But an even bigger thanks for being such a great blogger.... discothequeconfusion is absolutely my favourate!
    and HAPPY BIRTHDAY ofcourse

  9. Again, Happy Birthday!
    Yeah, maybe a week in the style-life of you! That would be so aweseome!

  10. Happy Birthday! it has been one year of fantasticalness.

  11. i think possibly a whole month celebration could be aloud
    if paris hilton was aloud 3 birthday partys you can have a whole week to yourself hahaha
    i have given you the rockin blogger badge

  12. haha!! happy bday!! the celebration can go on for as long as u want!! lol!

    anyhow; i think it'll be fab it u haf a post on YOUR own style and clothes etc. maybe a great (not so private) peek in your closet or smt?! haha!!!

    other than that. IT bags are fab too!!

  13. Pop up the champagne!!! Yay! Happy Birthday Discotheque Confusion!!! Although i'm fairly new to the blogosphere, I have come quite attached to several blogs and your's my dear is one of them, cos it's fab!!!
    Can't wait for the week of celebrations! x x x

  14. Joyeux anniversaire!
    I just realized mine has already passed and I totally forgot it! I'll have to celebarte 13 motnhs then...hah
    Hope you keep blogging long as possible
    I always enjoy reading your posts, keep it up!

    ( ps : the central picture is from Teen Vogue. Mehtinks)

  15. congrats to one year! i'm excited for the week long celebration, i love reading your posts! you should do one of those top models post you did in the past :)

    now, i think i should get to posting something new on my blog, i haven't posted since late july.. oh my.

  16. Congretulations!!!!
    Love, love your blog.

  17. Congrats! It's a good sign that time has passed so rapidly. That means you (and everybody reading this blog) is having fun, don't you think?

  18. Hi :)

    H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y D I S C O T H E Q U E C O N F U S I O N ! ! !

    You rock :)

    I really love your blog and I visit it all the time :)

    We should exchange links? Wanna do it? I'm gonna add you right now :)

    Before I go just let me sing you:
    "happy birthday to you...
    happy birthday to you...
    happy birthday dear Discotheque Confusion...
    happy birthday to YOUUUUUUUUUUU"
    clap clap clap clap clap


  19. congrats ! your blog really is great.

    happy birthday <3!

    juliet xxx ( soon zzz :'D )

  20. Anonymous5:59 pm BST

    Yes! perfect!
    I noticed you already got one, but I also gave you a rockin blogger award! Check out the post and happpyyyy birthday!!!!!

  21. happy birthday discotheque confusion <3

  22. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, doll! i simply adore your blog!

    xx A.

  23. Anonymous7:33 pm BST

    happy birthday love!


  24. Hey "Happy Blogday", I love your blog, keep doing what you're doing!
