Monday, November 05, 2007

Cherry Popper

POP's covers never fail to satisfy and amaze me.

Infact, thats an understatement, because an indepth read of the magazine cover to cover, and again, and again is what I really love at the start of the new season. The cover picture of Sienna Miller for the Spring Issue has made me all gittery and weak. Barely a month after the collection debuted, they have already styled and shot her in Marc Jacob's fantastic Nurse outfit design for Louis Vuitton. Hot stuff.

People may have been hit and miss about this years US Vogue September cover that she was on, but she has certainly made up for it with excellent covers for much more worthy titles (I won't waste my energy on Anna, you all know how I feel about her already. Oh by the way,
the hag with the dodgy shoes was her in the "Rumour Mill" post and the fresh lamb was Kristen Bell putting her to shame. Shit, I just wasted my energy..) Nylon and now POP.

This of you who are POP Virgins should definitely get your hands on a copy, especially those of you who don't like in the UK, if you can get a copy. It's bi-annular and so it packed with so much more candy than the monthlys and is only a fiver ($10). Expect lots of fanny flashing fashion shots courtesy of Missy Raider and piss take interviews with the likes of Miss Piggy and anti fashion stars like Beth Ditto and Courtney Love.


alluretone said...

i like. still it would've been better if it wasn't sienna miller- haha. i don't think they have pop over at my local b&n, which sucks. i can't believe they've already started featuring spring collection stuff on covers.

mahret said...

Love the cover, love the nurse dresses ♥
Well, I have to admit that I'm a pop virgin ;-) not easy to get it around here...

Andrea Martínez Maugard said...

I know that some people don't like Sienna at all but I love her, I just love that she's been in so much covers this year. She looks awesome here.

Flavia Flanders said...

i love the first photo.. so much attitude... is perfect...

Anonymous said...

iv neva been that allured by Pop before, but im intrigued- i love the porno-chic cover! i may b converted...i was gonna include some inuendo about 'popping' and 'cherry' but im i think theres enuf hows-ur-father in this comment as it is!

p.s. love the wintour dig, ur wasted energy is our gleedom!

Anonymous said...

hehe super sexy photo, i wish i lived in the UK! i doubt i'll be able to come across an issue of pop, considering it took me forever to find a copy of lula (i eventually found it in nyc, but yea that's new york, i live in mn so fat chance ill be seeing pop any time soon) and also it was like $15, so like i dunno 7.5 pounds? ugg, but thanks for sharing the one photo :)

Miu Miu's Atelier said...

i am in love with this sienna miller cover its so diferent

riz said...

I like this mag, from what I've heard and seen via other sites...Currently I'm in love with Another...that so does not look like Dienna to me, it's strange

Anonymous said...

Perfect cover! I love it!

Michelle said...

Love Pop! Trust them to make the LV nurse uniform look attractive..

Lana said...

I was looking for a new magazine to read, because I got bored with the ones they sell in my hometown. This is a good solution! But where can I order it online???

Bojana said...

It's hard to find POP here, but whenever I find it, I enjoy flicking through it...But not buying. It's sooooo expensive here. Damn why do foreign magazines always have to cost so much?

Ella Gregory said...

hmmm im not really a pop fan
i love their photo shoots and i think the styling is fabulous but i just flick through my friends copies
i like having something to read
i really like marc's collections at the moment but they dont seem very wearable
im not sure what has happened to him
he looks like a different person

Lana said...

That is a great idea Stevie! In we are paying with euro's now. But if you have found a way, let me now. And what sort of magazines from the Netherlands are you interested in?
The one in my header is a great one!

Teresa said...

Spring clothes on a winter cover, insane and amazing. Pop is sooo juicy and thick, but 20USD at Borders. Although the cover choice of Sienna is a bit suspect, the editorials are stunning, and is that Beth Ditto? haaaaaaa.

cotton candy said...

ooh. what a hot cover.

-S said...

i love how sienna is making the rounds of all the fashion magazines. and i have still yet to see interview, her movie with steve, which i have been dying to see ever since i heard about it.

Mónica said...

Sienna looks really cool in that cover, not as in the horrible US Vogue September issue, where she looked hieratic and artificial

Carolyn Keene said...

i love pop, unfortunately living in the suburbs of boston it is not widely available to me.... haha
luckily for me I can always get it at my favorite HUGE magazine store in NYC.
it's right near Bryant Park if any of you are new yorkers...

molly said...

ohh sienna...its been awhile. still love her though

this pop magazine sounds intriguing, i unfortunately dont live in the UK, as much as id love to..
but ill see if i can get my hands on it!

Ellie Lee said...

omg!! it's so not sienna!! but of course!! she looks amazing!! and the concept for LV is so fresh!! haha!

Ella Gregory said...

i find her annoying too
but i think it is more because she looks like a horse
and not in a nice way
i know that is bitchy but oh well

Aisha said...

Love the colour. Sienna Miller's so pretty. I swear I'll dress-up as a nurse next halloween =P, i loove nurse outfits.

mwah ♥

Mrs Fashion said...

Makes me feel lucky to be able to have stacks of mags available so easily when I read all the other comments about not being able to find it!


Siru said...

Miller looks to-die-for in that marc jacobs dress.

juliet xxx

The Attire said...

i never thought sienna miller was very beautiful... but she looks amazing here. wow.

Maria said...

Hey by the way POP has become tri-annual and this is the winter issue then, though they've used ss08. Not like anyone cares about the seasons anymore.

I like the other cover better.

Anonymous said...

Those nurses dresses seem to be making quite the impact on the Another/Pop/i-D crowd as I've seen them used in editorials/features quite a bit.... I never got the appeal but hey.... ironic MJ for LV doesn't quite work for me....

Anonymous said...

If it features those Marc Jacobs nurse outfits, I'm all over it!

Meg said...

I think I preferred Lohan's Winter cover, but only because I'm not a Sienna Miller fan.