Monday, February 25, 2008

Zip that dress and open the envelope


Bojana said...

Oh jeez, your graphics never cease to impress me!!

Great post

Bojana said...
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Anonymous said...

i really like your layout, the font is nice
i don't think cameron deserves a 4 oscar rating though
she played it really safe, although she does know what works for her and is sticking to it
i really agree about ellen page; she probably wants to make a point of not getting carried away or something.

Soul Tanggg said...

what a bad move for nicole!!

Héloïse J. said...

oh yes your graphics are enviable!!
*i adored marion+tilda

Ella Gregory said...

I loved what Cam wore, and I think Katherine looked really amazing, although some of my friends didn't think so
I just love her though!
I love how you have set this post out as well, very creative!
x x x x x
p.s I knew Brad and Ange wouldn't go, too much attention for their bump to handle!

Cicely said...

They're all nice enough, just a tad boring. This is the Oscars kids, go crazy! A little bit OTT never hurt anyone. Love the blog

emsie said...

some beautiful dresses
but none that really made me go "wow" this year
i missed keira knightley if i'm honest


Chelsea Rae said...

I'm fairly convinced Angie and Brad weren't there because Angie wasn't nominated for A might Heart so she was pissed. Anyway, I loved Marion Cotillard's dress. Cam's dress was pretty, but not as interesting as some of the others, and Nicole did look a bit matronly (she was trying to hide the baby bump instead of accentuated it).

ashley said...

i missed keira as well. but heigl looked marv.

riz said...

What the heck happened to Ellen Page?? that was so disappointing. Tilda was the only interesting one, but i think she should have had different hair. I liked Penelope Cruz.

Anonymous said...

i was really impressed by tilda swinton... what a cool lady, i can't believe she's 47!

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

I liked Kidman's dripping necklace. And I can't force myself to like anything on Cameron Diaz...other than those two though I quite agree with your ranking!

Anonymous said...

wow awesome graphics!

now i know who made tilda's fiasco! other than her- they all looked fabulous, particulalry cam, katherine, and kerri

alluretone said...

that balenciaga was such a dissapointment! i agree that the gualtier and lanvin were the only good ones on the carpet last night. i was just starring at how beautiful tilda swinton looked everytime they zoomed somewhere near her lol

Tinsley said...
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Tinsley said...

seriously, im telling mahalofashion to make a new design category for next years blogger awards

Marion! Oh my gosh - that acceptance speech. If she wasn't liked before she's definetly loved now!

Katherine was too wannabe-Marylin-Monroe for me. Sorry but there's only on MM. And the Lindsay spread in New York magazine... don't get me started on that...

Hmmm, where's Jennifer Garner? hehe I loved her look - she was so glamorous

After Marion, cameron was my favourite - she was so simple bbut stunning

Great post :)

Anonymous said...

Ange and Brad WERE invited (since anybody who has won an Academy Award automatically gets invited to the Oscars - and Angie has won one) but they had no reason to go there. I bet they're busy with the family.

AlicePleasance said...

I liked Keri Russel and Jennifer Garner and, maybe I'm the only one, the J.P.Gaultier mermaid dress (Marion Cotillard) didn't conviced me at 100%...

Anonymous said...

Marion's gown got my vote... at least it was mildly more interesting than just 'standard tasteful'

palegrey? said...

i love marion cotillard!!

-S said...

great pictures!
Cameron Diaz, Jennifer Garner and Amy Adams were by far my favourites. as for Tilda Swinton, she took a risk, and it didn't really work.

Anonymous said...

marion and Tilda were the only oens I liked.The rest are a bit boring.

Michelle said...

The tasteful ones doesn't really do it for me, only Tilda Swindon only made an interesting choice.

Mash said...

love love love love the dress of Marion Cotillard &hearts

Anonymous said...

yes yes, I knew I could trust you for a worthy "oscar" post hehe =)...I felt the same exact way about ellen page, I was so disappointed!! Am I the only one who (ehmmm) liked(?) tilda swinton's look? I think it's like bad in a good way...and it's not just because she´s wearing lanvin (&hearts,)
And Marion Cotillard...boy, she's the one I couldn't take my eyes off!! nevermind all the others!

Anonymous said...

whaaa I hadn't read anybody else's comments. So I'm not the only one who loved tilda's look...hehe, my co-workers were like ewww

A. said...

yay someone who actually featured tilda swinton.

she looked so chic. i loved that she hardly wore any makeup & the colours of the dress & her hair made for such a lovely contrast to her pale pale skin.

perfection. modern perfection. plus it doesnt hurt she was wearing lanvin <3

*marion looked lovely as well though, my second fav ;]

Unknown said...

:( oooooo!!!!!!!! and Penelope Cruz??!!!

Camilla said...

What was nicole thinking?! Very disappointing.