Sunday, March 23, 2008

and we all heart lara stone

i love lara stone.
in magazines, she's this glossy, angry woman, a smoker with big boobs, who looks like she is quite capable of beating you up.

but then she hits the runway with her trademark wobbly walk and when she opens her mouth it's a surprise to hear she sounds like a teenage boy.

oh and the ultimate reason to love her?
she got kicked out of school aged 16 and sent away to paris by her mum because she was "trouble"

uhhh, her mum thought paris was a punishment?
wow, i'm so going to post a myspace bulletin about having a house party and see if i get sent to paris for being trouble, too!

girl, i love you!

and i always kind of imagined her as american even though she clearly isn't/


  1. Anonymous4:30 pm GMT

    She must have felt to hard done by!

  2. I love her, she really stands out with those strong features and oozes so much sex appeal it's almost scary.

  3. Anonymous5:37 pm GMT

    I hate her split between her teeth. Other than that. Very pretty!

  4. she looks so much better when she smiles. In spite of the split between her teeth.

  5. This video is really well composed. Love Lara!

  6. To be honest Paris is rather trampy in parts
    One of my friends once had a tramp jump on her on a train and another had a tramp put...something..of his (you get what i mean) into her hand on a packed train
    So I would say it is a punishment enough if she was sent to those parts! hahaha
    x x x x

  7. She's amazing..and the big boobs are so..different. Haha as most models are so flat chested.

  8. oh God, the gap between the teeth!! She should close her mouth always, coz she looks hot that way.

    is it just me or does she NOT know how to walk in heels?

  9. Anonymous9:49 pm GMT

    i love the background of your blog headline!

  10. Wow she so can't walk in heels! That's what I look like trying to stagger around in my stack heeled boots. It's kind of heartening really.

  11. I'm surprised that some of you are so anti the gap in her teeth!

    I think they're so attractive and different.

    but agreed, Ms Stone may be a wonder, but she can't walk in heels! At all.

  12. Yeah, she's pretty amazing.
    I never knew models didn't wear bras on the runway (shows how much i know). probably because i can never tell cause usually theyre flat..

    This is so strange, I just posted something about Lara on my blog too!
    I like her edgy model style, she's too cool now

  14. i love that she got kicked out of high school at 16, that is so bad ass (paris is not a punishment, i think i will join you in the house party bulletin idea). this video makes me love her even more.

    i have always assumed she was american as well. i was surprised to hear such a heavy accent come out of her mouth. question: since you are british, do you think americans have odd accents?

  15. hehehe paris as punishment. thats awesome.

  16. thanks! nice blog

  17. Lara Stone...I remember she tripped over at the Karl Lagerfeld show a couple seasons ago. She is so badass. Which makes me like her even more.

  18. She even has a cool name.

    Lara Stone :)

  19. hearing her speak was so interesting! Her voice works one hundred percent with her overall..ferocity!

  20. haha yeah her voice is so sexy!!! I cant believe this girl got kicked out of school!

  21. she does have a strong face that i guess makes her look angry

    ha paris as a punishment


  22. she has an a m a z i n g bone structure but has trouble in walking. practice make perfect. keep catwalking!

  23. aw she looks so sweet in the stella mccartney show. and i am really suprised by the tone of her voice- ha i kind of like it goes well with her look

    "i try to steal it but.. they wouldn't let me., hahahah"

  24. I can't related Paris and punishment in the same sentence! it's impossible!! I think she is really pretty, misterious and edgy, and I really love her last cover for Vogue France.

  25. I'd like to add I feel scared of her voice!! It's so hard, totally a boy-voice

  26. love her! She almost, almost makes me wish I had a front gap

  27. she's fierce! and she definitely walks funky :D

  28. She is from Holland, I first thought she was from America too, seeing her name.

    I wish my mother would send me to Paris when I was trouble too! Maybe her mother knew that a model was hiding underneath that and that's why she maybe flew her to Paris? :P

  29. Anonymous10:46 pm GMT

    she reminds me of donna from that 70's show

  30. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  31. she does sound like a teenage boy! haha

  32. Anonymous12:19 pm GMT

    They say she's born in Germany, but actually she's from the Netherlands with an English father and Dutch mother.

    xoxo girl from the Netherlands

  33. Anonymous11:25 am BST

    I'm a believer.

    Before, I loathed Lara to no end! As in I really hater her, because I thought her teeth were so ugly, how her walk was so awkward and unpolished and how she always look angry and irritated. Then I started seeing her a lot in Vogue Paris and other editorials.

    Her versatility grew on me, and her awesome figure and her awesome fun bags (sorry for using fun bags)was refreshing to look at, in a sea of Lily Donaldsons. AND SHE WAS SENT TO PARIS AS PUNISHMENT?! I must start smoking, hook-up with guys, and rebel... Will that bring me to France?

  34. Anonymous11:29 am BST

    Hahaha. Sorry for my typos.

  35. I love Laura, she is such a cool chic.
