Monday, March 17, 2008

Abbey Lee: Dancing Nymph in an urban setting

It often seems that (generalising coming up..) amongst all these hoards of east european models that have been relentlessly hitting the catwalk, it's hard to match a name to a face and it's even more difficult decipher any kind of personality beyond "heyy, i'm just a beautiful face, that's alll..".
So when a model comes along who's a little different, with a wacky spring in their step or bubblegum in their mouth you know there's something about them.

It has struck me before that COACD often champion this type of girl, snapping poloroids of them goofing about in turtle shaped sunglasses or hiding behind potted plants.
Abbey Lee is like the Australian version of Darla Barker. But blonde. And cooler. And as if she wasn't lovable enough, she has a gap in her teeth.

but you want to know a secret? it's her birthday in a couple of months. she'll be 21, but she's actually being "marketed" as a 17 years old. That's how the fashion industry rolls, kids!

The following mini-torial is from The Sunday Times Style Magazine (UK) a couple of weeks back, and thought it was rather cute.


  1. How do they market people as younger than they are? If I was 5'8" and gorgeous, but still myself, they could market me as a 15 year old...

  2. Anonymous2:31 am GMT

    oh love the new banner!!!

    have fun in NY too...! so so jealous....

    k xx

  3. I like seeing an Aussie doing so well ;)

  4. Anonymous4:31 am GMT

    i don't see where you get the idea that shes different
    you put a lot forward but dont really have anything to say about her?

  5. she's looking very cute

  6. Isnt it just crazy how the modeling industry works? I read that all those "teens" arent really teens at all, but they have to say that to get jobs, u know, to be called 'fresh faces'.

  7. i love abbey..she's so


  8. The industry is very strange and rather caddy when it comes to age and that sort of thing! it's very interesting....Xxo

  9. she looks adorable. and young.
    the industry is full with lies and other bad things, but so many people (like myself) want to be part of it.

  10. I don't think I've every seen a bad Times Sunday style issue yet! Incredible. And I totally get what you man about models...

  11. I think she looks cute and also young , but I don't really see the point of making girls younger, I mean if they look great , it doesn't matter if they are 17 or 21...

  12. i think all the eastern european models can start to look the same so i really like the idea of a model who has something different about her to set her apart from the rest:)


  13. i love the ny times editorial its so fun and unexpected

  14. I loved this shoot
    I remember seeing it a few weeks ago and having the sudden urge to throw paper around in a stylish way
    Which is strange because I am such a Monica, and normally making a mess does not appeal to me!

  15. I think its stupid how the fashion industry markets people at a diffrent age. Whats wrong with being 21!? Thats all i can say. x

  16. Anonymous7:21 pm GMT

    There are plenty of models in the early 20's range so I don't realy get the age cover up.But whatever.

  17. I noticed that she opened a lot of shows this season I think. I remember this shoot in the Style magazine, I really like it.

  18. Anonymous8:18 pm GMT

    cool, cool blog (Y)

  19. Anonymous8:26 pm GMT

    When the Sunday Times is good, it's very good...when it's bad, it's very bad...baffling stuff....this is good though ;)

  20. i just love this blog!

  21. chloe sevigny in a magazine which i read but don't remember :O

    i think it was i-d though. actually i'm pretty sure it was. march '08.

    do i get a prize now? i want one.

  22. Oh dear, I have absolutely no clue who's quote that is...?
    Ooh an aussie model! Yay for Australia lol! :) Soo get what you mean when you say with all the European models dominating the runways it's hard to remember all the complicated names...

  23. Chloë Sevigny interviewed by Humberto Leon for I-D. I feel super freak right now, LOL.

  24. In general I like this ed, especially the picture in which the model is carrying a lot of newspapers. The back like that gives a special sense of drama to the pic

  25. i don´t have any idea
    whos is the girl? xD


  26. Anonymous5:30 pm GMT

    no idea who said that! i wish i did though, i'm really intrigued now haha. and dunno the font either, but that's understandable, i'm not a british soo I don't have the same papers/magazines as you do

  27. Anonymous6:05 pm GMT

    for the 'say what?' post above this one, im not sure who is saying the quote but is the magazine i-D?

  28. it's Chloé Sevigny's quote from i-D (:

  29. Well I actually have the copy of the magazine, so I think that's cheating? Before I read it though, i already knew the font was i-D, so i get some points right?!

    I won't spoil it for everyone else, seeing as I've read the article. Good luck guessing!

  30. chloe's dad! from I-D!

  31. No idea who said the quote or where it's from, but I like it. I think they have a point about men's style. I think it is harder nowadays for a man to dress sharper without being perceived as metro.

  32. Hi! My name is Kristin, and I'm not sure you've checked out my blog, but now I run a magazine. Both my staff and I love your blog and would absolutely adore for you to have your own column in the magazine. Please get back to me ASAP!

    You can either leave your email in a comment on my blog or email leaving us your blogspot URL. We'll get back to you right away.

    Stay cool

  33. what a cutie !!
    i wish i was a model.


  34. The editorial brilliant, I love the first pic with all the magazines where she's sitting on it looks like a giant skirt

  35. i have no idea about the quote. is the "you will be sent to the gallos" a clue? because i would guess kieth richards if it is. but the quote sounds nothing like him. this is hard.

  36. Oh the photograph with the newspapers, so recognizeable :P! Glad I'm not a paper girl anymore, hihi!

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