Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Virgins Play Dress Up

Coco is right. The Kirsten Dunst void must be filled.
By Kiki herself, not some 19 year old "Hottest Newcomer in Hollywood".

So I waited around a while for something to materialise.

Tapped my fingers up and down on the table.

Wrote a list while I waited.

And then it happened.

This delightful yet over so teensy bit dark (or is that the monochrome?) video popped up on Dazed's page.

Directed by Ellen Von Unwerth.
But even better; styled by the fantabulous Leith Clark.
Turns out it was a short for Erin Fetherston (yawwn) back in '06.

Kirsten and The Like-esque patients channel drowsy Louis Vuitton Nurses until they stumble across a magical dressing up box.

Slightly Virgin Suicides reminiscent in terms of childlike sisterhood, except these girls look kind of cherrypopped. Not a verb, but should be.


  1. Have you ever seen Lay Down Lean? Wendybird totally reminds me of it. Charming and fantastical.

  2. It is SUCH a weird beautiful video isnt it, your recount of it is so perfect, the whole 'cherrypopped' virgin suicides, that explains the vibe perfectly :)

  3. Kirsten Dunst is beautiful. I actually love all the Erin Fetherston stuff; dreamy and girly type themes.


  4. exactly.. that's the mood. :)

  5. I love it! Pretty, a little bit weird and very very irresistible:)

  6. Oh lovely screencaps, I'm crazy about anything Kiki esque and now I have to track down this video!

  7. Cherrypopped really should be a verb! I think I might start using it.
    I have been missing you. I'm so excited for you going off to NYC, I am soooo jealous.
    I am moving there asap I have decided!
    x x x x x

  8. I have watched this video so many times! Much better than the other Fetherson video (the one for Target that was un-empowering); I like how in this video the clothes change the girls and they become freer.

  9. Anonymous4:26 pm GMT

    How weird that you've only recently got hold of the Wendybird video... I'm trying to find the latest Unwerth/Fetherston collab video with Zooey Deschanel in it...

  10. SB - Wasn't that on

    Awesome find!

  11. Oh, so it sounds like this has been floating around "internet land" for a while then?

    how very curious that I only just spotted it!

    SB, I think you may be after Lay Down Lean, which Niki recommended; thanks for that, I watched and naturally was delighted by the taxidemy sights and zooey d.

    and emsie; i find some of Erin Fetherston's designs a little irresistable too, though sadly I just find her very irritating. Can't quite put my finger on it, but I know Coco feels the same!

  12. I'm sorry stevie but I don't agree. I know all my ideas were original and I know she came to my site and copied everything.

  13. She didn't have the guts to email me or credit me so why should I afford her the same courtesy? I guess we see things completely differently anyway i'm putting it behind me.

  14. Videos aren't compatible with my laptop so I'll just pretend I watched it - y'know, to be cool. :D
    I'm liking KiKi a lot more theses days, which is strange because I rarely ever see her anywhere (strange? Or is it the reason behind the whole change of heart..?)
    You're right, the absence of a quirky Hollywood (ex)IT girl (by society's standards) can never be filled by a new up and comer. It's just unethical.

  15. i love the whole feel of the movie the virgin suicides. beautiful yet messed up. i've been searching for something with that kind of feeel for a long time.

    i'll check out the video : )

    p.s. dried peaches has been deleted. i'm just going to put everything on stylemarauders so it's all in one spot. i really liked dried peaches but i found i'd go weeks without posting on it. kinda inconsistent

  16. Anonymous1:39 pm GMT

    great, I love all the work by ellen von unwerth, so inspirational!
    look for lay down lean with amazing zooey deschanel!

  17. Anonymous1:40 pm GMT

    damn, someone already mentioned it. well, there´s never too much. ;)

  18. this is gorgeous. i love that its black and white.

    you really have a way with words. i love reading your posts, they flow so well and are really poetic. are you a writer?

  19. Oh i just love kirsten and do miss seeing her out and about. I mean that in the way of seeing pictures not as though i'm actually hangin' out with kiki on a regular basis!

    Cherrypopped! Ha ha that should actually be a verb!

  20. Anonymous6:57 pm GMT

    cool, cool blog (Y)

  21. Anonymous6:57 pm GMT

    cool, cool blog (Y)

  22. The video is nice and weird together , I really like it!

  23. love her and that video! i miss seeing her out too! she is a one of a kind and the FIRST Modern Marie!
    haha cherrypopped should be a verb!

  24. Anonymous8:07 pm GMT

    divino el blog !

  25. About music.

  26. Im so glad shes back :)
    Would it be alright if we swapped links? :) x

  27. "Cherrypopped" = brilliant.

    Finally someone else appreciates my admiration of Kirsten Dunst. I could never really explain it...she isn't traditionally pretty, and it's not like she's an Oscar winner or anything. But there's something about her and her style I find so alluring (Maybe the fact that the Virgin Suicides is one of my favourite films helps this a bit?)
    It's videos like this, and things like the last issue of Lula (have you seen it? It was perfect!) that reinstate my love for her.

    PS go rent Drop Dead Gorgeous, if you haven't seen it before. It's awesome.

    PPS Linking up to you!

  28. did you see the editorial from vogue germany april 2008 with sexy nuns in tulle transparent gowns? :)
