Monday, April 21, 2008

the girl in the second hand skirt

I can say with unwavering confidence that there won't be a reader of Third World of A Fashionista who hasn't grinned at the relatable wit and charm of Fabi's posts. She bashes out cute skirts on her sewing machine, reinvents last season's louis vuitton and recently battled through a rough patch when she recieved ridicule from the locals for having a sense of style teetering well and truly in the "unknown realms" of lou doillon and european magazine editors.

"I have an insanely random interest in fashion that isn't socially accepted in my town OR by my family." And there we were prancing about in our American Apparel skirts without thinking twice.
Naturally this is all against a lush Honduras backdrop of watermelon stalls, fading washing lines and exotic leafty greenery.
Whatever comes her way, from small cases of schadenfreude to hurricanes or bitchiness, she sticks to her guns: her heels and thrifted skirts firmly on.
Her latest hurdle? Losing her blog, which has been running since February 2007.
But no fear.. ever the feelgood fashion story, Fabi has quickly started a new version over here. Pop over and drop her a line, and if you're new to her blog introduce yourself!

old archives:

clicky clicky clicky


  1. Anonymous2:43 am BST

    wow, haven't heard of her amazingly! thanks for the info! are you still in NYC or have you left :( please tell all no matter what!

  2. Oh dear, that's awful- Blogger's done this before, and it's horrible. And Fabi's name suits her to a T, I really wish this hadn't happened.
    PS: I've tagged you to reveal six unimportant things about yourself. Hope you don't mind..

  3. she looks beautiful on the last pic!

  4. She is such a pretty lady, I agree with la playa, especially in that last pic.

    I also adore your collection of images, they look very funky and cool :D

  5. Anonymous2:02 pm BST

    thanks! I've been checking out her blog daily since I've discovered it a loong time ago, to see if she has posted and was always dissapointed to see no updates...

  6. Didn't know her yet but her style looks great :)

  7. Oh! What did Blogger do to her blog? Going to check the new one out now- thanks for the heads up.

  8. Anonymous4:22 pm BST

    Will update my links.... she is in fact... Fab!

  9. Very very very fabulous post
    I am in love with the pattern skirt in the bottom picture
    she does have a wicked sense of style/blog!

    And I know what you mean about Mischa now. She has just lost her magic touch I think!

    Poof! It's gone!
    x x x x x x

  10. to miss at la playa and on track: i agree with you, she looks so fantastic in that picture, especially considering the extreme yoga and super stacked heels combo! hehe.

    jane and mimi, be sure to check her out, she updates around once a month but when she does it's a real good'un.

    and "Poof! It's gone!"? ey, coco you make i laugh!


  11. ooo thankyou stevie!!!! you are truly wonderful =)

  12. Omg, that is so wrong.

    juliet xxx

  13. i'm soo jealous! you're blog is wonderful!

  14. Yay, going to take a look right now!

  15. WOw I've been to her blog once or twice and I didn't know who this was. I will go ther more often. I like her spunk.

  16. I love Fabi as well.. her blog, sense of style and writing are absolutely great.

    Being peruvian, I can relate to how she feels when she talks about being critisized for her interest and individuality in fashion... I find her inspiring!

  17. I love Fabi. I remember reading about how people are unnaccepting of her style and her fashion sense, but here we are oceans and continents away, admiring her for her amazing talent.
