Friday, May 23, 2008

back soon.

feeling (fashionably?) on the edge of a nervous breakdown!
to do lists not getting completed.
late nights.
pressure pressure pressure.


Unknown said...

when stressed, lie in the middle of a plush carpet face down, have hot tea and sit in complete silence and kickkickkickkickkick. it always helps me.

Unknown said...

i've been there my friend...i've been there and the city...vintage cures

dan said...

calm down, take a deep breath.
awesome blog sweetie.

A. said...

oh, darling same here.

ive only had two hours sleep in the past 31 hours & i have an all day road trip im leaving on in four :/

im bringing le macbook with me so ill make sure to drop you an email from the hotel.

mwah mwah


Anonymous said...

love you stevie X hope you feel better soon

Diana Coronado said...

Heyy come back !!

Feel good time lol.

Héloïse J. said...

get yourself together woman!

hope you'll get better soon (and forget about the lists for a moment- just for you to calm down!!!)

a bientot la belle :)

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel right now! exam stress. argh.
come back soon : )
Carrie x


ahhhw... hope youll be back soon! looking forward to your posts!

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

Good luck. I will be sleeping until around 2:00pm tomorrow to ctch up!

riz said...

I know the feeling well!

Siru said...

oh, poor you. try to relax, sleep tight.

juliet xxx

Anonymous said...

ha ha, always fashionably dahhling- good luck!!

(thanks for the reminder to get the eff offline myself -le sigh- )

hannah said...

i will miss you!

is it finals for you as well? i know how your feeling.

Anonymous said...

in the same shoes love. hang in there, hope to see you back soon!


karla deras said...

ugh i'm on the same boat. love your blog so be back soon!

Alya said...

Know how u feel. Take your time, hon.. It's not like we're going anywhere :p

Secretista said...

Boy do I knkow that feeling. I hope you come back soon, and feel better!

Promise Newell said...

Lovely photograph!

Mimi said...

Oh I exactly know this.Hope you'll be doing better soon and amuse me with your posts :)

take care

Ella Gregory said...

Maybe you need fashion blogger rehab? You may find me in there soon too.
I'm feeling stressed!
I'll email later today hopefully.
x x x x x

p.s I agree, I don't want Kirsten to get into trouble again!

Gloria said...

even though you're under pressure, I still have to say it looks like an american apparel ad. ;)

Anonymous said...

aww... dont worry. i think everysingle person is getting stressed out now...

Andrea Martínez Maugard said...

Come back soon!!!!!