Saturday, May 17, 2008

mr and mrs garnett save the day + to double denim

Now. I am fully aware that this blog has been the home to some Vogue-Bashing in the past. As much as I appreciate that there is a hell of a lot more to a fashion magazine Editor in Chief than fetish worthy heels and fur vests (though it helps) and that really it all comes down to advertisers, I am still a little baffled by the fact that Vogue UK’s Boss was apparently chosen for her business head over a love of Givenchy heels.

I said it. Nothing new there.

But I must say, and I am willing to admit it, without any gritting of teeth, that Ms Shulman did a fine job of leaving “Mr and Mrs Bay Garnett” in charge of this month’s editorial “On The Road”. As much as I moan about the publication, I really do love stylist Bay Garnett, and applaud the fact that both she and Hadley Freeman are contributing editors; they seem so refreshing amongst the rest of more polished Voguettes.

The editorial sees Amber Valetta (an unusual but perfect choice) as an American small town girl, with a wee injection of rocky trailer trash. Styled in a bubblegum pink mini skirt, glossy sequins and shredded denim and some studs thrown in for good measure, she is the updated cowgirl, thankfully minus the hat.

Photography Tom Craig specialises in documentary photography, which gives the fashion story a very real edge; Amber's "character" is very believeable, looking a little on the verge of a glamourous meltdown.

This ed also came at the perfect time. A post over at Tjejsajten has me thinking over the last week of the "double denim" rule. The problem starts with the denim jacket. There are many times that I have gone to walk out of the door, slung said jacket on, and realised that I would have to remove it because I was wearing denim shorts. I'm never one to play by the "fashion rules" but this rule seems very logical. However, I thought to myself, there must be a way of rocking double denim without looking like a washed up cowboy.

The answer? Quite simply, yes there is. Bay Garnett has answered my prayers, and I shall begin to experiment over the next week.

ps, i'm sorry Alex, but just one thing I won't allow to rest. why is agyness on the cover?
now playing: navy wives by white rabbits


  1. beautiful inspirational post&pics!
    have a great weekend!

  2. i love editorials in summer
    it's strange that amber is still doing some modelling, I heard her saying how much she hated it. maybe the movie business was not a good idea?

  3. Smalltown American/trailor girls do not look or dress like this! Still I do like it.

  4. Oh it is a very nice spread! And I do belive there is a way to use double denim, but it has the highest level of fashion difficulty, only to be tried by the truly stylish. Can't wait for your experiment!


  5. I love this spread and the tacky/trailer trash inspired look as well. And i do think double denim can be done... maybe with clashing colors of denim? i have no idea.

  6. The spread is refreshing indeed. And I will be trying double denim too, it looks like.

  7. This is a lovely shoot, I never would have seen it if you hadn't posted it as I avoid UK Vogue (and US pretty much too) as much as I can.
    I adore shoots with Amber as well, she has been doing some great stuff in US Harpers recently!
    I still just think of Hitch when I see her though!

  8. Anonymous11:05 am BST

    It was certainly a breath of fresh air to see Bay Garnett's work in Vogue this month. Especially as the rest of the issue looks so SHINY. The last time I remember seeing her styling for UK Vogue was with Kate Moss in 2003. Has she done anything else in between?

  9. This is a beautiful shoot. Just really reminds me of summer.

    Oh and I was wondering, were you able to resend that invitation? Because I still haven't received there may be a problem with the system?


  10. i 'll be waiting for the double denim result. i'm really curious. and hoping you give some good inspiration! don't forget us :P

  11. I really like the theme of the shoot. It all works perfectly!


  12. I really like the pics :)

  13. Yay! I adore Bay Garnett's styling too. Her style is always so vintage inspired (not to mention that she champions charity shops!)

  14. Anonymous12:00 am BST

    I hate denim on denim unless it's Steve McQueen, Elvis circa 1960s, Martin Sheen in "Badlands", or if you're a performer in Las Vegas!

  15. i love these! the lighting and locations are perfection!

    thanks for the sweet comment, im glad to see someone appreciates my taste in photography.

  16. I love this ed
    I usually hate Amber Valetta but she's fierce here...

  17. Beautifuled. Double denim is still oneof my fashion don'ts...I wore it as a girl in the 90s and this is way to much to me! But I can't wait for your experimentation!

  18. Anonymous11:22 am BST

    Hmm.... probably because I've seen other mags tackle the same theme/setting much better, this isn't that impressive for me...

  19. Is it sent to my email? It should be from something fashionspot, right? Because I still haven't received it, I'm not sure what the problem is. I'm really sorry about all the trouble.

  20. BEAUTIFUL pictorial!!! stunning - i love the whole theme/feel of it! gets me into summer :D

  21. dont like the clothes, but there's something deeper about the shoot.
    The photos look raw and exposed, which makes it more emotionally touching, rather than fashionably so.
