Tuesday, May 13, 2008

mr dope

person 1:"your trousers are pretty cool."

jeddd: "yeah i got them from this store..god it's such a funny story.. you should have been there.. i was so fucked when i got them and they were like $380."

person 1: "sounds hilarious."

jeddd: "i really like that they just give me this dope look, you know like back in the day. nyc 90s grunge."

person 1: "even though you were like 5 then.."

jeddd: "uhh..right. and with a cigarette in my hand the look is complete."

person 1:"are you going to smoke that thing?"

jeddd: "what this? no. it tastes like shit. but if i look like i'm about to, all the street photographers come up to me."

pic: kathyisyourfriend

all things aside, they really are nice trousers.


  1. Anonymous1:13 am BST

    my lord, i wish i was there for this conversation! it would've been DOPE to experience this kid. brilliant

  2. ahhaha I needed this

    they're are too many people like this at my school!

  3. That is ridiculous. Takes whole new meaning to the term "scenester."

  4. glad i could help spread the word about st. vincent's music. thanks for the comment. nice blog you have yourself here, you have a great eye for women's fashion. i'll surely check back.

  5. but is this from a film or did you hear this conversation? It is hilarous! hahahah

  6. Anonymous12:54 pm BST

    Margiela does take the piss sometimes.... those trews aren't worth the money....

  7. that is funny..lol!!!and he is cute!!

  8. (about your post below)
    Love roisin murphy's music! never knew she was such a style maven :D cool video!

  9. HAHAHAH amazing!!
    i think ive found true love..

  10. Haha. That was hilarious. I know so many people like that it's crazy.
