Tuesday, May 27, 2008

quote of the day

i know, i know, i'm in the minority when I admit that as much as I heart her personal style (and god dammit that bedroom!) I just don't quite "get" valentine fillol-cordier's charm as a model.

either way, she made me chuckle when she defined her style;

"coco chanel, if she was kurt cobain's grandma"


  1. Wow I could live in that room. Seriously, i don't think she'd notice.

  2. I have to check more pics of her style. I don't really know her hahaha

  3. I don't get her appeal as a model either. But she does have that something that makes her look cool whatever she wears. And her room suits her. :)

  4. Lol! Just lol.
    That is all.

    I read a very interesting piece on Frances Bean Cobain in Harper's Bazaar Australia the other day, it was fascinating to see that she really isn't like anyone expects her to be at all. I don't why I'm bringing this up, I just thought it would be the kind of thing you would be interested in. Lol.


  5. i much much much prefer her as a brunette.

    that blonde hair just does nothing for her.

    man, i want that bedroom though! ahh!

  6. She's one of my perennial style crushes, but more fascinating as a personality than a 'model'. And that quote made me smile, too :)

  7. Anonymous12:49 pm BST

    What a wicked quote...

  8. Wow...her bedroom.
    Love that quote.

  9. i also do not get the appeal, especially after seeing her in person....she ended up at this engagement party i went to where everyone was ecstatic and celebrating...and she just stood in the corner by the dj with the most sullen, miserable expression on her face. you never know what might be going on with people, but still, it was an engagement party not an it-club, and her bad attitude was quite the downer.

  10. I agree she is not the best model, but god there's just something about that girl that makes me adore her so much!

  11. In contrast to Catherine, I worked with her on a shoot and she was lovely. Not a drop-dead beauty but an ace model in that you can give her the shittest clothes and she'll rock them to perfection. And she did!
