Wednesday, June 18, 2008

a burgoining desire

i was reluctant to do a post declaring "our winter wardrobe!" in relation to the costumes of The Edge of Love. Mostly because the "little forties dress under cable knit cardie" formula isn't very new is it?
in fact, it was a regular occurance for me last winter, and i'm sure for a few others.

but I love keeping an eye on fashion in film. the cinema is one of the strongest influences for me, and I find it interesting to see watch the connection between the streets and our screens.

The cold months may be a long way off (the fashion industry as always is speeding ahead and taking no prisoners!) but I'm already excited to begin planning what I'll be running around in. Ironically, come each new season I forget what I wore the last. Having a flick through the images from the set of the new film which have been streaming into our awareness over the last few months has caused little "oh yeah"s and "how could i forget?"'s

in no way am I trying to dictate, or tell you what to wear, but I'm sure like me, you won't be able to resist. just this morning, i was looking into my underwear draw weighing up the sensibility of wearing my ribbed grey knee socks in his heat, shocking myself by willing a cool breeze or spot of rain so that I could sport the layered look playing on my mind.

the fact that the majority of my wardrobe is now made up of charity shop finds must play a part in my love for the oversize cardigan and granny dress combination.

April Ferry is the costume designer for the film, which I am eagerly anticipating. Usually so content with living in my time, I am suddenly considering having words with a physics geek on that time machine concept. "Oh, you want to right the wrongs of the world? Go back and make things better?"

"ughh, actually going back to the 1940's and floating about with veronica lake curls in red lipstick and hourglass floral dresses would work for me".


  1. i did the same thing this morning. im not in the least surprised though we are always up to the same things.

    i had an old pair of knit tights that didnt quite fit right, so the other day i cut them into kneesocks.

    & wore them today despite the near 95 degree weather.

    as much as i try to cope with summer & its fashions i always find myself dreaming of autumn's cooler days. i cant seem to run away from it.


    yes, i did! im simply dying over the new i-D!

  2. Anonymous10:02 am BST

    I fear the acting will be absolutely pants in this film but I do love the styling...

  3. I haven't decided whether or not I want to see this, it visually looks great but I'm not really a fan of Keira or Sienna and their accents are a bit crap from what I have seen.
    Maybe I will just admire the movie stills...

  4. is the movie already on cinemas?

    I want to watch it! :)

  5. actually, i've heard that they are both absolutely fantastic in the film, so i'm very much looking forward to it.

    MATP, release dates are here:

  6. If it aint broke, don't fix it! It hasn't gotten that warm here yet and I still can't stop wearing this. I have a terrible tendency to buy the same thing a billion times over if I like it.
    Oh well! It's pretty!

  7. Ah I wanted to post about the wardrobe of this film too! I'm still trying to find a way to fit in ribbed socks into my summer wardrobe, and granny (or grandad?) cardi with tea dress is always a winning formula.

  8. I am quite eager for this film to hit theatres as well. It isn't my typical winter wardrobe, but definitely a look I enjoy. Must go to more thrift shops.

  9. I'm actually really excited about this film. The styling is ever so pretty from what I've seen.

  10. i'm really looking forward to this! I love war-era films...
    but sigh what will we wear next winter? What will i wear tonight! Some big honking inspiration is overdue

    What with the vintage dress, work boots + cardis that make up my wardrobe, i feel i'm overworking my stylist abilities!


  11. I don't think that movie's coming to the US.. Which is a shame, because I would love to $7.50 to go stare at some clothes :D

    Surprisingly, in Indiana Jone's 4 they featured some cute 50's (I think 50's, could be wrong, it was only background characters) clothes. It was probably the best part of the movie!

    And I think I may have to badger that physics geek with you.. Although I'd want to be dropped off in the 60s!

  12. I've always admired people who wears a cute cardi over a dress and it's a shame, I dont have the guts and perseverence to follow suit.

    I blame it on my SLIGHT conformist attitude and the weather. It's astounding how i can manane to breathe in this hot and humid climate!

  13. I love those dresses combined with a beautiful knit cardigan.

    got loads of thrift store ones, great finds, but I am eager for a sandra backlund one (who isn't)

  14. I wanna watch this movie so badly, I'm in love with the cast and clothes

  15. Anonymous12:41 am BST

    I am literally dying for this to come out! The costumes are amazing and are totally going to be in my winter wardrobe as well!

  16. i really want to see this movie! it looks really beautiful.

  17. I haven't seen nary a preview for this. I suppose that's normal since it's an art flick, but yes, the clothes look really creative...thanks for this!!

  18. I want to see this since I quite like Keira.

  19. aaaah gumboots and a floral dress! I'm kinda glad its winter here right now because your post gave me some nice inspiration

  20. can't wait to see this of the main reasons are because of the great styling!

  21. Oh god this has happened to me, all winter I was planning perfect summer outfits and then summer comes along and I suddenly want knitwear! Oh well, I live in England, I'm sure there'll be pleny of time for that. I can't wait for this film, despite keira's incessant pouting. Thanks for the photos.

  22. as far i see in the pics you posted i luv the styling!!! want to be like this next autumn :P
    so romantic..

  23. Can't wait to see this.
    And roll on winter, I'm bored of summer dressing already. Bring on the layers...

  24. You've been tagged! See here:

  25. Anonymous1:10 am BST

    i love pairing cardigans that i could have found in my grandpa's closet, and pairing them with really girly options like floral dresses. the pictures from this movie look amazing!

  26. ooh la la. how interesting...but im not sure whether i'll go see the doesn't look quite...interesting?

  27. Hmm I fear this is going to be a 'Marie Antoinette' case. Great visuals and beautiful people but a rather dull story line...
