Saturday, June 28, 2008


when i go for days without posting, i feel like a flaky parent! but i was having a few "off days", second guessing myself and feeling unsure about the blog. i find that it's just as easy to have periods like this as it is to have a bad hair day. but i must push on regardless, and i apologise for the standstill.

i had thursday off, and making the most of the extended weekend, i've been getting my head into gear for the winter, reaquainting myself with the collections. the weather is so tempermental at the moment, with storms and showers that i feel less quilty than i usually would contemplating voluminous coats and sturdy tights before july is even here.

the lookbook for lou doillon's second lee cooper collection has also come out. even when the clothes are of no interest to me (not so in this case) i always enjoy a little flick through, looking at the page designs, trying to decipher the lifestyle being sold from the scenery and styling. in this case, the illustarions are a welcome touch.

lou doillon: "
i hate everything that’s chic. for me, that’s about doing things to be noticed. I can be aristocratic, sophisticated, or kooky — but I’m not chic. (I guess that’s because I was raised by an English girl.)"

pics: ny times


  1. I'm over people who are clearly interested in fashion yet like to make statements like "I hate chic" or "I hate fashion" or "I hate labels (I just wear the ones my big designer friends give me for free)" or whatevs they say to try to make themselves look cool while implying everyone else is a wannabe! Just admit that you love it!

  2. ooh i had a couple of off days too. summer is keeping me busy (although i dont know if you could really call this weather summer!)

    haha, its funny how youre thinking of winter clothes when its still june. im like that now too though i always look ahead in terms of what to wear

    lous pieces are quite simple but its the styling that make it pretty interesting - i love the quote!

  3. I think pushing on is what seperate the good bloggers from the flakes...
    I like the addition of the illustrations as well. Getting ready for winter already? I can't even look ahead to next week...

  4. i was going to blog that quote too! isn't t fantastic?

    lou's swell, but i don't like her to talk to much because she has such a swelled head about things. yeah, you have a fucking awesome family, you've got it made--can you try harder to be humble about it plzplz?

  5. what's wrong with looking chic? lol

  6. I'd say she looks chic though :P

    I'd wear everything of this collection

  7. Aw don't worry about it -- we all have our off-periods when it comes to blogging.
    You don't have to worry about yours though. It's a well-known fact that your blog is loved worldwide! :)
    Lol at the Lou Doillon quote! I can't imagine her motto being anything else...

  8. great comments, what a mixed reaction to Ms Doillon.

    Must say though, Wendy's comment has made me think, and I have to say I agree with you. What is it about this incessant need for so many people to be so effortlessly cool to be point where it is implied that by thinking about the way your outfit looks or flows you're trying too hard?

    I liked this quote because she thinks that her scruffy style is down to being raised by a Brit and this is something I can relate to!

    And so a nod to fashion tidbits too!

    Also think that although the collection isn't bad; there are interesting pieces, it really is down to the whole angling of the promotion. The lookbook and styling too.

    And romany and TCH thank you so much for those lovely comments, it's nice to have a bit of reassurance!

  9. The pictures from the lookbook are beautiful - I like the styling.

  10. The super high waisted trousers look very tempting, very tempting indeed..

  11. I hate those blogging weeks where you just don't know what to write about. I feel one of them coming.
    Luckily I rely on celebrities and there is always someone whoring themselves out, even if it's a Hilton.
    I really love the theme going on in this look book, it has a really lovely feel, it reminds me of late summer when it is still warmish but people have stoped wearing the icky high street summer stuff they wear through June and July!

    x x x x x x

  12. Anonymous6:24 pm BST

    It's ok to have a couple of off-days. You need to recharge the battery in order to keep things fresh. Hi Disco!

  13. Oh WendyB I think I'm one of those peeps. Oops! And Stevie, please keep 'pushing on', if it wasn't for you and your blog I would never have found out about Anna Wolf...

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. i've been on holiday and didn't post for well over a week, so you shouldn't feel bad about a few days.

    my head is about to explode with blog content though... too bad i won't be at a computer properly for another couple of days.

    love everything lou doillon, obviously.
