Tuesday, July 01, 2008


i have succumbed to the tagging epidemic; lovely coco, disneyrollergirl, vogue (et al, sorry if i missed you..) have all cyber-sneezed on me, and now i must reveal the tunes that are dancing around my head at the moment.

miss at la playa, teresa, tinsley, deex, allure allure, hannah>, and my dear abby ; i pass the tagging germs onto you.


  1. I am not only loving this songs, but also your work! This beautiful post is sooooooooooo special! I feel I want to print it out and hang on my wall! You are so talented!

  2. I love the way you have laid it out. It looks so pretty!
    And is that Kanye with Carine below? Do you think she might put him on the cover? That would be fab!

  3. I already did that tag, but thanks for tagging me! :)
    I love the songs you picked, the dvno clip is fantastic!

  4. #3 is one of my hubbys all time favs, great song!!

  5. Anonymous6:05 pm BST

    But nobody ever listed her songs that aesthetically appealing.

  6. I've never heard any of these songs, so I'll have to be sure to check this out.

    You have such a creative way of doing this meme! :D

  7. This is odd, but I love that Depeche Mode song at the moment too.

  8. great choices, and I love how you have presented them...very pleasing to the eye!


  9. I need to put a list together of all the music suggestions people are putting together! But, alas I'm too lazy :P Love depeche mode <3

  10. i wish i had the talent to do as lovely a post as this.

    i worked for ever on this collage thing but ended up trashing it.

    sigh. im so uncreative.
