Thursday, July 31, 2008

eye candy of the moment: natalie press

a little homage to natalie press. she's been on my radar since my summer of love in which she played a fascinating albeit slightly scary moped riding northern teenager.

she's one of those women that i find more acceptable to openly love because she falls into the "artist"* category rather teetering anywhere near a phrase involving the word 'it'.

alas, natalie has a stylist on call, but the fact that it is the lovely leith clark, stylist of everybody's favourite girly magazine lula makes this small matter forgivable. and i would like to add, everyone has a stylist (even alexa! cue gasps..)

sincere apologies for the watermarks and for the lack in graphics inspiration. that's what lack of photoshop does for you.

*must be pronounced artiste and preferably this word should be said with a glass of wine in one hand for most authentic arsehole factor.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. oh, *you* know how much i adore her! funny i was just quoting mona earlier today. as i quite often do...

    ive been meaning to feature her on 10.17 for forever seeing as my summer love is my favourite favourite movie of all all time! hehe.

    leith clark is so lovely, too. i have loads of her photos scattered across my inspiration wall.


    ps, thought you might like the fact that one of my best mates just met the kills up in chicago! like half an hour ago & called me up & i could hear them in the background (!) heres hoping she gets a polaroid signed ;]

  3. Anonymous10:32 pm BST

    ooo she is very funky, love the tiered floral dress and all of her shoes are great!

  4. Oh wow, her style is superb!

    BTW, I didn't know Alexa has a stylist. I feel defrauded :(

  5. She was incredible in that film. In fact I'd go so far as to say she stole the show over Emily Blunt. I always think it's a shame when well dressed girlies have a stylist. Do you know which girls don't? That's something I'd be interested in finding out..

  6. She has that individual, cute and quirky look! I love her style a lot! Her stylist did a great job to show off her body and personality in her outfits xxxxxxxx

  7. Anonymous12:10 am BST

    i have a slight fascination with white dresses and hers certainly fits the bill. i love the detailing in the hem at the bottom, so sweet! love your blog...would you like to trade links?

  8. Oh I loved that movie. She was so gorgeous. Thanks for this! I always forget about celebrities that aren't thrown in my face like MK and Lindsay.

  9. Anonymous8:45 am BST

    I've been seeing her a lot in ES magazine and been wondering about what she's up to....Leith Clark or not she pulls off everything she wears....

  10. i have always wanted to see that film, my (friendly neighbourhood communist) video man doesn't seem to ever have it.

    even alexa has a stylist? sob...what is wrong with just picking out what to wear yourself, it can't be that hard

    i like georgia's style...especially the dress in the last shot, i believe she wore it to the launch of the tim walker exhibition.

    love, claire @ young-shields

  11. ooh la la. another new idol!

  12. oo she definitely has a more artsy type style. I like the last dress

  13. she has a great look going on, a little bit quirky and playful. & the luella dress looks fabulous on her.

    alexa has a stylist?!

  14. I love Natalie. She kind of reminds me of a messy 4 year old girl. Like she has just thrown it on and hasn't brushed her hair because she has to go and play or paint something.
    And I don't see the big deal in celebrities having stylists. Some of them clearly can do well without them too like Kruger.
    I think it's those that need them too much that become less stylish.

    And I was a little shocked about Alexa too, although I'm not really into her that much.

    x x x x x x

    p.s thanks for the nice comment on the age post!

  15. I agree, MISS VICTORY, it can be a little disheartening to hear about cool girls having stylists, but I think it's important to remember that they don't select all of their outfits ready for them to put on each morning. they're more likely just to dress them for events or introduce them to key looks and designers.

    chloe sevigny is one of the rarities, as she styles herself always, including events. and that is why we love her!

  16. Anonymous8:24 pm BST

    I believe it is Nathalie Press.

  17. Yeah, the credits of My Summer of Love spelled it as Nathalie...either way, I love that movie (though I personally think it was all fairly freaky) and her, and I love that you've featured her!
