Monday, July 28, 2008

props to the props, notsomuch the hair

Numéro 95 August 2008
by Sofia Sanchez & Mauro Mongiello

props (ahem) to the props stylist; those shoes in the fridge had me gasping.

not so much to the hair stylist. are you really still channelling youknowhow?
while my saliva glands are screaming yes, i want to shake my head and mutter "no" as cupcakes in fashion just seems a little passe...

and what are your thoughts on the casting of hilary rhoda? can't help but think there must have been someone better for the job. anyone spring to mind?


  1. Anonymous2:40 pm BST

    Her hair is like h. golightly on crack, but I have to totally agree with you because the rest of this photoshoot is the bomb!

  2. someone between ali michael and mariacarla boscono maybe?
    is this photoshoot boboboring or is it just me?

  3. Those shoes in the fridge - AH MY GOD, I love it!

    I'm going to go with Sasha Pivovarova, because I love her.

  4. I love the photo's of the props waaaay better then the photo's with Hilary in them..The shoes in the fridge being the reason :P.

    Someone like Anja Rubik, I think has the face for this kind of pictures.

  5. So that is why they are so slender!

  6. looks like marge simpson hair to me...

  7. Shoes, milk, pineapples, and sweets, so that's what models eat! I'm starting to think cats are the new toy dog, why are they in every single editorial. I love kitties, but it's a little odd?

  8. Anonymous6:27 pm BST

    ooo the love the fridge too! :)

  9. the shot of the shoes in the fridge is brilliant! very original. and the first model that sprung in mind who I feel would be better is the one and only lara stone.


  10. They're all channeling Amy Winehouse, but I love the retro idea and of course, Hillary :)

  11. Oh god the shoes are beautiful!

  12. the shoes in the fridge - love love love. the cupcakes are looking quite tasty too.

  13. Anonymous11:23 pm BST

    The beehive is not hot.

  14. Anonymous1:58 am BST

    haha what a fabulous post! loving all the black tulle in the kitchen, such a great image. thanks for sharing!

  15. Anonymous1:58 am BST

    haha what a fabulous post! loving all the black tulle in the kitchen, such a great image. thanks for sharing!

  16. the hair is turning me off ;(

  17. oh wow i love this!! THE SHOES IN THE FRIDGE... I NEARLY DIED!! i dig the hair, i think its fun. a tribute to amy?

  18. i really like hilary here!

  19. I think Amy and stylist are channelling from the same source - it wouldn't be a 50s housewife shoot without a beehive, would it?!

    Shoes in the fridge an absolutely genius idea. As is the pineapple!

  20. Damn, I love the hair. And the photo in the black minidress with the hair styled with the veil.

    Agree with you on cupcakes being passe however. Fruit cake is better, and is very A/W. It's not Spring/Summer all the time.

  21. Anonymous9:34 pm BST

    This shoot looks like it was conceptualized for Coco Rocha, but then they couldn't get her and went with Hilary instead.

    So tempted to put my shoes in the fridge, would be sooo refreshing on a hot day.

    Hair, blah. Pink kitchen, yes.

  22. I love the prefectly massive hair.

  23. i really love this editorial! the shoes in the fridge are fantastic!

  24. I'm not big on Hillary, but I must say that this photo shoot is so new and different and captures her funny sort of silly side.

    I also think the shoot was channelling the "60's housewife ideal" while at the same time making us gasp at the avante-guarde clothing that a typical housewife would in no way wear.

    I loved it. Wouldnt change a thing.

  25. fontana pulled this hair off better, but maybe it was also the clothes reminiscent of winehouse
    I too loved the shoes in the fridge!

  26. Anonymous5:18 am BST

    I can't help but imagine Abbey Lee in that pretty pink kitchen. How gorgeous that would've been!

    I quite like Hilary, but I think she's too 'sexy' for this shoot.

