Monday, August 04, 2008

that song about working by dolly parton (plus shaggy fur)

gasp, pant.
that's the sound of me dashing to a computer, after two days without internet access.
two days? i hear you cry.
i know.
i don't know how i ever did it. forget scaling the summits of mountains or freezing myself in ice (hah, i'd forgotten about david blaine..) 48 plus hours sans wireless is what i call pushing my mind to it's limit.
but panic attacks aside, i've been wanting to update with what is going on in my life (no worries, this isn't group therapy..!) This weekend I coached it up to London (train fare=vintage dress) where I will be staying for the rest of the summer doing work experience.
the first two weeks of august will be spent at rigby and peller, a premium underwear company (corsetiers to her madge.. the one on the coin, not on justin timberlake's crotch..) and for the last fortnight I'll be hanging out with the topshop online team, which I'm so excited about because I feel online is very possibly a sensible way to go careerwise, and well because it's the raddest brand on the brit high street, non?
so this all means that between reading shakespeare on the tube for college and running around and making as great an impression as possible (it's all about contacts, after all) during the day, replies to comments will be few and far between. not much i can do about that, but i'll try my best to keep up.
and posts shall continue, along with some inside snippets of whatever i pick up on my placements.
one of the best around at the moment.


  1. OMG congratulations! Corsets and that sounds like pretty damn good work experience. I mean seriously, working in fashion here in the States (west-coast-wise) means Forever 21 or Hollister salesgirl.

    And the Angela Lindvall editorial is all sorts of awesome.

  2. Anonymous1:56 am BST

    congrats! great pics too. loving the dark purples together!

  3. not really into the fur but the accessories, yes!!!

  4. wow thanks so much for sharing these pictures! they're amazing.

  5. That work experience sounds brilliant - have fun!

  6. I'm jellous.

    juliet xxx

  7. Wow I adore this shoot. I hadn't seen it so thank you for posting it!
    I hope the work is going good. It all sounds veru exciting. Have a good time!
    x x x x

  8. Anonymous7:42 pm BST

    I love this blog

    Enjoy your work exp and your Shakespeare!

  9. Anonymous7:45 pm BST

    brilliant spread, love the feathers feathers feathers!
    do you wanna exchange links?xx

  10. Oooh best of luck with your work experience. All sounds very impressive. Hope you have a good time:-)

  11. Lovely pics, good luck with the work experience :)

  12. I'm against real fur but the pics are great.

  13. Anonymous1:57 pm BST

    Go work experience!! I just did mine at Mulberry a couple of weeks ago and got to meet Edward Enninful!! Good luck and I hope yours will be equally as fruitful.
    p.s I'll look out for you next time I'm in Rigby and Peller (the only place to buy underwear ofcourse daaahling)-do you know if you'll be based in the conduit st store or head offices?

  14. Sounds like awesome companies to work for (considering your interests) I hope you enjoy it (and make those good impressions)!
    Oh and yes, I fear looking like a bee too! Also whenever I wear red, white and blue (and sometimes not even the white) I get called "patriotic"! It's quite annoying because I simply like a combination of primary colors.

  15. It's me, or Angela Lindvall is making a comeback?

  16. just out of interest, how early on did you contact the companies before the dates were set? anyway you're very lucky, good luck! x

  17. Anonymous11:25 am BST

    oooooh fur!!! I've been dying to buy an awesome fur vest
