Thursday, September 18, 2008

andre leon talley isn't feeling inspired

oh the irony.

“Where are the Anna Piaggis and the Isabella Blows of this world? Where is the creativity? They’re all so, so predictable. All I see right now is Front-of-Book looks.”

i just had to post this. because as loveable as Andre Leon Talley, I think someone may have to sit him down and explain the lack of creativity that he is feeling is to do with the fact that he works at 4 Times Square.

It's Anna's fault, my dear.

quote from chicinspector


  1. I'm glad you still blogging

  2. You just have to read the body language of that pic to understand the relationship between them. They can't stand each other!

  3. Anonymous2:03 pm BST

    That picture cracks me up every time that I see it.

  4. That scowl is priceless.

  5. oh the joys of anna wintour. she was my editor in chief when i worked at teen vogue, but luckily i never had to deal with her since i was in the la office!

  6. Yeah, Anna W. is the farsest you can go from Anna P.

    juliet xxx

  7. He looks so pouty! Someone give him a lollipop and a pat on the head, please!

  8. Adore Anna Piaggi. I don't like Talley though...he seems arrogant to me.

  9. Haha that pic is awesome.Anna wintour..she's so unique!

  10. bahahaha
    you're right!

  11. Anonymous6:38 pm BST

    Hey, I haven't read in a while, I'm liking the new colour scheme and lay out, and stop having late night conversations with yourself!

  12. LOL. I still love him though. Did you ever read his book? Also, do they really hate each other then?

  13. haha. poor guy. he really doesnt seem to be enjoying himself.

  14. haha that picture made me laugh. Great blog by the way, I'll link you on my page :)

  15. Oh Anna Wintour. I have my own stories about her from my PR days. I have since vowed to never spend a cent on Vogue as long as she's editor!

    Loving your blog and added you to my list! Care to trade?

  16. Anonymous4:16 pm BST

    I remember i saw Isabella Blow at Harrods in London when i was there last year visiting my sister in London.
    She was wearing a hat that had written "Blow" on the top, i remember i thought it look silly, i had never heard about her before i heard she was dead..

    I like your pitcures :)

  17. That's definitely a brilliant moment.
