Thursday, September 11, 2008

in my room (she'll get to you..)

a.'s post has been holding down the fort over the past couple of days whilst i've been being very good at getting on with work and getting relatively early nights. but chh, all that good behaviour had to end sometime soon!

there is no denying that the selby has catered for the guilty pleasure of curtain twitching that we all thought we were hiding. it's pretty incredible that his site has become so well known in such a short space of time.

rather than ranting on about the wonders of the site (we all know, yadda, yadda..), I thought I'd take the plunge and capture my new room with some snaps.

pretty scary to have these out there for all to see.
and just as a little piss take (of myself, not mr selby!..) the compulsory paper questionnaire at the end..


  1. I like that inspiration notebook!

  2. i wish i had your room. i especially love the mirror on the floor

  3. haha perfection!
    what a funny not
    "not much, just chatting to myself"
    im afraid ill have to do a tribute to selby myself
    this post is amazing!
    i am beyond envious of that black cocktail ring!

  4. Fantastic pictures. I like the peek around your room, in the least creepy way! The q&a was quite funny too.

  5. LOL what a great post - you captured his type of photography very well IMO....I can see this idea spreading like wild fire (for the brave ones at least hehe)

  6. Anonymous4:39 am BST

    hehe cute tribute, especially in your little Q&A when you made fun of yourself ;) love your bookshelf, i've been meaning to read that marie bio, and i love fitzgerald!

  7. OH



    i was just about to say this was probably the most perfect apt/house/bungalow thats everever graced the internet pages of the selby but even better (gasp)thats its yours...ahh i was so thrilled to know youd be doing a post like this when you mentioned it in the letter. but more about that in the letter thats on its way to you!

    & thats my postcard! <3

    j'adore, je t'aime!

  8. Love the pictures! <3

    I really like your blog too...thanks so much for the lovely comment on my blog, i really appreciate!

    x Mila.

  9. i love your room!!it is so lovely

  10. Lovely room, I¨ve just bought "El mueble" because Im thinking in change my room style...I want everything in white...i want calm, and serenity...minimal, but lovely..u know.
    Great room, and....this are Vogues???
    Lovely and cute blog, really!

  11. very beautiful photos and I would love to exchange links :) (your already linked on mine!)

  12. This has to be one of my favourite posts of yours. I used to be a massive fan of Changing Rooms back in the day so I love this kind of thing.
    Great to read a conversation between you and you as well! ha ha

  13. oh wow, this is brilliant. You have such a pretty room. love the little notebook shots, i have something similiar and you know that picture with the girl in that shiny dress, i have that on my notice board, that was one of my favourite ever elle shoots. love the last shadow puppets too.
    great work:-)

  14. I've added your link, and would be honoured if you did the same - THANKS! <3

  15. that red jumper is absolutely wicked. your room clearly shows you are a cool cat

    y-s x

  16. I love watching other people's rooms without knowing them personal because it tells so much about their character.

  17. ahha sooo cuteee! i am going to do something like this sometime have such a cute room, i esp. love your books and mags.


  18. The Saunders collection is a slight departure, but it looks to me like a continuation of his Resort collection.

  19. i love this post. you have really pretty stuff! your magazines are so neatly organised and i really enjoyed the q&a

  20. I love seeign other people's bookshelves... It is fun wondering what books they like reading

  21. That's such a cute room :) (And by the way, I LOVE the velvet underground. Excellent music choice.)

  22. Wow and I thought my magazine collection was extensive! Lol.
    Yay for the Kings of Leon. ;)

  23. nice pictures!!!! love the post

  24. Lovely post and lovely pictures!

  25. You have a lovely, lovely room!

  26. Anonymous1:00 pm BST

    Consider your self linked!

  27. ummmmm, the t-strap heels in the last row pic on the left- gorgeous

    loves it


  28. notebook look Great!

    juliet xxx

  29. gorgeous pictures! And your little quiz with yourself is hilariously awesome. Great blog!

  30. I do agree on Blair's matchy-ness. I would never want to dress like her but she is (as far as a fake person can be) very commited to her look.
    By the way this post is just as good second time viewing!

  31. beautiful photos!


  32. your inspiration scrapbook thing is real cool :]

  33. sweet room!

    it makes me want to show of my room too!

  34. I've been a fan of your blog for a while now.

    I just started blogging actually and I would love to trade links with you. :D

  35. i took all these photos of my room to do a selby-esque thing, but then was frightened off by the intimacy of it.

    i think you did it just wonderfully, and i love those quotes you have! your room is lovely.

  36. such a sexy room man... i m going for same combinations :)
