Sunday, September 14, 2008

post topshop unique dissection

oh my, i had such a fantastic day.

very bizarre to be seeing all these familiar faces from the fashion world, and now I'm back home with things back to normal. history essay to worry about not having done, and making a sandwich for tomorrow's lunch.

i'll have to do an even better update as I can't sit here for hours uploading pictures (my bed awaits..) but I have some cool ones.

so, quickly.. the collection was lovely; very 80s, in a soft fresh way; colours verging on pastels rather than offensive neons. surprise surprise, lots of denim; but it was light, and rather rosie the riveter when teamed with headscarves. tuxes, incredibly sexy feminine dresses and overall a bit of a british seaside feel. maybe with a little bit of colonel sanders thrown in.. i want every single piece. christ, i shall start saving for just the one!

amazing spots; i don't quite know how to tell you who I saw and how excited I was that the women around me are the ones that I am constantly checking up on at thefashionspot!

roisin murphy, alexa chung, natalie press, kate lanphear, valentine fillol cordier, leith clark.
and clearly I was enjoying myself, as I managed to just about surpress my frustration that cory kennedy and peaches geldof were poncing around together (clearly nylon BFFs now, chh..) like they were hot shit. but at the same time, very odd indeed to see cory kennedy in the flesh. I was very surprised to see her there.

of course, i got to meet some of our very own lovely bloggers too. michelle from kingdom of style (down from glasgow with her lovely partner barry who was very good about being dragged around LFW) and susie bubble turned up (in the most wonderful acne sandals..) as well as disney roller girl. we all agreed it felt very easy talking to each other, even if it did feel a wee bit inappropriate starting conversation with personal details we'd read on each others blogs!

alas, i didn't get a moment to take a picture of my outfit; that's what happens when you don't have a boyfriend to be on call to take snaps! I shall have to recreate the outfit in a couple of days.

blimey, blimey. all very exciting; and bloody weird and surreal in equal amounts.
pictures soon!

pics; it's fine to use them, but please give me credit.


  1. hi i added your blog at mine..!

  2. Oh Stevie it was great to meet you. Loved your tights...why didn't I take a picture. DUH!

  3. It sounds fantastic. Funny...I would much rather meet many of those bloggers than the so-called "it" girls...hmmm, maybe bloggers are my it girls?

  4. ah! I like the comment above about bloggers being her it girls!
    Love your blog and the new look. I was very excited for the Top Shop show and this was my first look. Merci beaucoup!

  5. that sounds so lovely! so jealous, i could die.

  6. Wow wow wow this sounds amazing, cant wait to see your pictures! And its so cute that the bloggers met up!

  7. Anonymous1:47 am BST

    wow amazing! im so jealous!

  8. It's great to meet other bloggers!

  9. I am so completely jealous. LOL. Good luck on your essay!!

  10. I am so completely jealous. LOL. Good luck on your essay!!

  11. Anonymous5:50 am BST

    im new at this, please come and check me out (or link me) at


  12. lovin that review dude !!! so are u comin to London for fashion week !!?

  13. Sounds like an amazing time!

  14. So cool you could see all those people irl!
    I just saw the collection and I absolutely love it, and think it's great the 80's are back. I love the eighties!

    Now I'm curious to see your outfit!

  15. sounds great, amazingggg!


    i want to see your outfit too. xxxx

  16. I am really glad you had so much fun!

    BTW, Can't wait to see what you finally wore ;)

  17. Anonymous1:33 pm BST

    wow!!! sounds like great fun, I can imagine feeling more confortable with the other bloggers rather than the likes of Cory K.

  18. Oh wow! It all sounds so completely surreal so i cannot imagine what it feels like for you! That must have been rather fantastic seeing all those fashion peeps. ughhh though peaches and cory is just exactly that urghh. Pretty cool if not surreal too to be hanging out with fellow bloggers.
    Cannot wait to see more pictures.

  19. Sounds like so much fun. I saw a picture of Cory in the metro today, it was so unflattering, it looked like she had muffins hidden in her mouth.
    The collection looked pretty good too. I can't wait to see your other pictures.

  20. hey!
    i went to this event too.
    you read thefashionspot?
    i do too!
    well, its kinda the reason i was there.
    i'm a journalist for thefashionspot.
    so i was covering the event!
    look out for an article on topshop unique v.soon!

  21. 1. its awesome you went to that show
    2. its awesome you met other bloggers - the famous style bubble!

    i am jealous;)

    liking your new layout!

  22. 1. its awesome you went to that show
    2. its awesome you met other bloggers - the famous style bubble!

    i am jealous;)

    liking your new layout!

  23. Anonymous6:49 pm BST

    I love your blog, Would you like to swap links?

  24. wow! i love the look of it already, and it looks like quite an impressive backdrop... must have been such an exciting show!

    i would like to see what you wore :) y-s x

  25. sounds like an amazing experience! can't wait to see your outfit.

  26. I'm so jealous...more then I was before your last post!

  27. Ooooh! I would love to go to any fashion show, but you know... i'm not allowed to catch the bus alone soo :P

    aaaand, I'm gonna save the pics AND give you credit :D

  28. ohh i'm so jealous of all you lucky bloggers hanging out and all. and i agree with "the clothes horse" bloggers are "real" as such, and interactive and i think quickly becoming the new it girls (and guys!)

    sounds like you had a great time can't wait to see the photos.

    p.s and once again.. ohh the jealousy!

  29. how exciting! i miss london! i have a feeling in my bones you will be getting in on plenty more of this type of action in the future. looking forward to the pics xx

  30. Everyone loved the Topshop show and I'm not surprised. Topshop have so got their shit together at the moment. Never mind Giles et al, the Topshop show had Nicole Formichetti, Katie Grand, etc in attendance AND the most wearable clothes. I'm wondering if this was a conscious move to tie in with the NY launch? Or if they just realised that the stuff they were doing before was trying too hard? The only thing I don't get is that this collection is v similar to regular Topshop don't you think?

  31. Anonymous2:10 am BST

    you are sooo lucky! =)

  32. cant wait to see those pictures ;]

    lucky you!

    & it was the same way with me in nyc - i was alone most of the time which meant no outfit snapping, sadly.

    ive got to recreate mine as well!

