Sunday, September 28, 2008

rebekah raa.

there is something very cool about a cool girl in a band. or a cool girl in music.

see alison mosshart. see alison goldfrapp. see roisin murphy. see lykke li.

i think it's because it's refreshing when you find out a cool girl is actually doing something rather than sitting around a looking pretty.

this girl is called rebekah raa. which is a pretty rad name.
she looks really good in peachy pink.
she is in a band (striken city). check. she is a budding fashion designer. check.
and rebekah, lykee, roisin and the two alisons. well, they all just sound so right together.


  1. well made collage- i really like it.
    but you forgot björk. the illest of them all ;)

  2. that girl is amazing... i am LOVING your blog! just started would love to trade links x

  3. I want to learn more about this girl now! How wild that my name Rebecca Roe is so similar...

  4. she does seem pretty damn cool. must check out her music sometime.

  5. i agree with you... it's cool to see girls doing and singing great music/songs

  6. i really liked this post and your blog, you're atr my favs, hope you oo. you know well girl.

  7. oooo! kudos for the frapp mentions. ;]

    you know i love that sort of thing.

    although lykke, roisin & the other alison are some of my very favourites as well.

    they are all just too too cool, in their own fabulous, fabulous way.

    & this rebekah girl...ive seen her around. i should check out her music though.


  8. Wow, she really looks awesome.

  9. yes! I love this post! :) love stylish girls wit htalent!

  10. haha stricken city, coincidence they are playing at topshop? :P You need to help me with my blog
