Wednesday, October 29, 2008

my oh my, erin how do you do it?

as some of you may already know, I am lucky enough to work in my local topshop, which means that while working and dancing about with the other lovely girls who work there, I spend much of my time plotting which items I'll buy with my seasonal allowance.

we get ours in a weeks time and I am so very excited.

so I laughed a little wearily when I saw this picture of erin wearing these trousers, as after eyeing them up for weeks, I finally tried them on the other day, and they looked rather shiteous on me.

put it this way, you have to be very dedicated at shaving your legs and as the slits go up so high, new blemishes appear that even the teeniest of mini skirts never dared show. and overall i ended up looking like the ex girlfriend of edward scissorhands (not in a good way, because I know how appealing that sounds) after she has had a comfort food binge.

without sounding highly up my own arse, my legs are my favourite part as they're rather slim and long, and so, I would like to know, Erin, enlighten me, how on earth did you pull these off?

that is all.

pic: snatched from the lovely T at starbucks and jane austen


  1. gosh dear if you find out please let me know ! :)

  2. Anonymous12:23 am GMT

    Oh gosh, I wish I could pull those off. She looks amazing in them though. Although my mother would never let me wear those in public, she doesn't even like hollister's ripped/bleached jeans.

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  3. i second ashleigh... if you find out, do drop me a line! ;)

  4. I went as far to rip up my own pair thinking it was a fun DIY project. It's safe to say I'll be disposing of those jeans.
    So I'd like to know how she does it too.....


  5. Anonymous3:34 am GMT


  6. I don't really think she pulls them off. There's something that doesn't look right to me.

  7. i definitely think they are a tad extreme!!!

    erin seems to wear anything and make it work.
    these darn supermodels!

    ah. you work at topshop?
    jealous over here.
    i can't even order online!!! argh.

    hope you're well girl!


  8. woah.
    intense jeans.
    they'd take a lot of confidence to wear.

    and so jealous that you work in topshop too. cool job!

  9. Yeah, Erin looks amazing, as she always does!

    Thanks so much for your lovely comment on my blog, it made my morning! :)

    Have a lovely day, dear!!


  10. oh to be so close to a topshop! (jealous)

    so ive just tried sending you an email but hotmail has gone & changed everything & isnt letting me type anything. ugh.

    but no worries about its lateness - ive been busy myself, naturally. hehe.

    & oh ive missed you! honest.

    ill try & send a mail in the morning!


    ps, movie star video = hilariousness. makes me crack up every single time.

    "you dont own me" - "oh yes i do!"


  11. Anonymous11:07 am GMT

    i bet she had them altered!!
    i work in topshop as well (uniform begins this sunday, hooray!) and i tried them on, they're really baggy at the hips and tight at the ankles, strange!
    however they did look better with tights underneath!

  12. ah how is wish i worked in my local topshop...

    i think erin just dropped off some cloud somewhere!!

  13. I tried those on too and they are cut in such a weird shape, or maybe I'm just fat, haha. Its a mystery how Erin does it.

  14. well...she is Erin Wasson..enough said :)

  15. I just got shivers imagining some of the women who will try to pull these off...

  16. i did find that with my own ripped jeans i.e. the shaven legs issue! just not practical in winter, my leggys are so pale too!

    y-s x

  17. I could not do that. Though Erin is just being her. She does things that we else can't.

    juliet xxx

  18. oh erin, she's so beautiful she could pull of anything.

  19. Oh gosh, I wish I could pull them off too. They are so hot.

    she pulls them off because...well..she's Erin!

  20. haha one of the greatest posts of yours yet. and she looks great doesnt she?

  21. They probably don't look as bad as you think.. But if you really don't like them on you, you can always DIY on some old pair of skinnies.

  22. I would probably snag myself on EVERYTHING and fall down every 10 minutes ♥

    but it'd be worth it right?

  23. Anonymous9:04 pm GMT

    The Erin Wasson factor helps a lot.... I'm wearing my DIY ones over way am I showing my bruises and knobbly knees....

  24. Anonymous9:38 pm GMT

    haha... I hadn't thought of that dilemma of takinf them off before :D

  25. Anonymous1:17 am GMT

    its mad how everyone goes on about topshop, i work there in the uk, and people i know couldnt think of anything worse than sayin "its from topshop" because its so popular, they stil the best huigh street store though they quite quick with trends
