Thursday, November 06, 2008

hours and hours of crawling

my first reaction to this video was of annoyance, and i rolled my eyes casting it off as up it's own pretentious arse. but I was intrigued and watched it again.
I like the idea, a girl crawling around a prada store in a hospital gown; it's very vulnerable in a gorgeous way.

i could do with less of the screaming at the camera, and having sienna miller as the star makes me feel a little uncomfortable, especially when her character is saying things like "i don't how i'll ever, having done the things i've done, and been to the plaes i've been to, how i'll ever be a normal person."
which seem relevant to the actress herself*, whilst at the same time, I can't believe her as an actress and she comes across as contrived.

think the casting of an erin wasson-esque nobody would have been better.
but i don't think this song would be getting attention if that was the case!

the hours- see the light
directed by tony kaye
art direction by damien hirst
screaming and looking pretty by sienna miller


  1. i've watched it four times and i still think its complete and utter tripe

  2. Anonymous7:22 pm GMT

    Love the song, but the video - I don't get.

    God she's a lousy actress.

  3. I don't think I can ever get on board with Sienna.

  4. Anonymous10:47 pm GMT

    Wicked and to psycothic for my taste!

    /J from Sweden

  5. Oh wow, I hadn't seen this before - hmm not sure how I feel about it!

  6. Well, I like Sienna on it, I know it's a crazy video but she's just crazy!

  7. nope i dont like it
    i find it really lame actually

    imagine how akward this would have been to film?!

  8. funny this is exactly how i feel about school lately...


  9. hahahaha a. too funny.

    right you are about the casting... all i can think of while i watch it is why sienna miller?
    i didn't even watch the entire thing.
    the song's not bad though...


  10. that was slightly creepy/ but tres originale!

  11. Damien Hurst is the most pretentious artist the world has ever seen, just completely awful.
    Sienna talking in the video spoils it alot.
    It would be better if it wasn't sienna, that just seems to grab attention and not promote the band in any way.
    I like the prada store bit.
    that is all...

  12. I want to watch it but I don't. Is it really disturbing or scary. I'm of a nervous disposition! Hehe! xx

  13. when she screams it seems so fake and overdramatacized. but then again it's a music video, the song is really good in my opinion.

  14. couldn't finish watching it -
    she is a horrible actress
    if the cast someone else, it would have been much better.
    the whole thing is amazing minus sienna

  15. Very creepy video, but I like the song.

  16. I don't mind Sienna, but this video.. I don't know how to explain it but its annoying.. And her acting is a bit silly here..

  17. Anonymous11:05 am GMT

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