Sunday, November 02, 2008

inspiration on this overcast sunday

it's been a while since i did a good old fashioned inspiration post.
so what better way to spend a lazy sunday than absorbing pretty images and planning wardrobe ideas for the week ahead?


  1. except i never ever look that good when i'm super lazy .
    i say super lazy, because i'm usually lazy anyways. either lazy or hyperhyper.
    i love the second last picture.

    and isn't that willa holland in the last picture, from the skullset ? since when is she so fashion ... it sorta bothers me.
    and the fact that i just dubbed her 'so fashion' is sorta silly, considering all she has to do to earn that title is wear oversized tees, have smoky eyes, smoke cigarettes, and have someone constantly following her with a camera.
    not fair !
    i want a personal paparazzi.


  2. i know jess, i feel exactly the same about willa holland, in fact I have this real tug of war attitude to these types of girls, because at the end of the day, it doesn't matter who it is, it's just the fact that they wear their clothes well and have somebody to document them in lovely hazy pictures.

    and it sucks that in so many instances the girls are a bit bitchy.

  3. I love your inspiration posts. I always want to look like the girls in them.
    You are very inspiring Stevie...

  4. your inspiration posts are so inspirating! :D
    and i love lazy sundays though


  5. YES. Kate hasn't really been snapped in ages.
    I think she is living in London with the model she is dating.
    x x x

  6. The thin arms of the chick in the first picture freaked me out. I doublechecked the name of this post to make sure it wasn't "thinspiration."

  7. love the dream like quality of these photos.

    much needed on a study filled sunday.

    thanks for the inspiration !.

    hope you had a beautiful weekend.


  8. Anonymous9:47 pm GMT

    sounds exactly like my sunday :)

  9. Great pictures. I'm glad there's finally overcast. I am TIRED of the sun. Are you from California too?

    I usually try to plan my outfits ahead, only because it's so incredibly hard for me to get up in the morning, but I always forget them hahah.

    I haven't commented/talked to you in a while.

    How are you?


  10. & this is exactly the way i like to spend my sundays.

    although ive only got three real days to worry about what to wear. tomorrow & tuesday ive got off (!)

    such gorgeous photos too. my favourtes are the top right ones. i so needed this. i feel like ive been really out of the loop lately. i always do when i come back from trips, i immediately fall into this sortof dream world. reliving every moment over & over again.

    cheers to a lovely week! xxx

  11. those photos have such a carefree attitude to them. beautiful : )

  12. Perfect inspiration, thank you for these :)

  13. lovely photos, especially top right, just love the whole shot, not only the clothes but the stance and the pose and the colours...

    thanks for the inspiration!

  14. I wish I would look this good at a lazy sunday.
    Gorgeous photos.
