Wednesday, November 19, 2008

just a girl. and a t shirt.

Living in such a high-tech world seems to have people nostalgic for the past. Old fashioned snail mail and care packages are favoured over impersonal texts and emails. Most prefer the instant pleasure of a Polaroid to a digital camera. Just as mixtapes ruled in the 80s, we still gravitate towards homemade labours of love.

this homemade appeal is what drew me to i ♥ boxie, a small dalston based tee shirt company which has cuteness and unashamed cool in equal amounts. now here's a thought; how about wearing your heart on your tee shirt rather than on your sleeve?

i came across the i ♥ boxie site a few months back and after reading about moxie (as the mastermind is approproiately named) and her soft spot for typewriters and a desire for embracing the story behind the tee shirt and it's wearer, i fell in love and dropped her a line.

though many of the tee shirts are made in duplicate numbers (but you can opt the bespoke "t spoke" way) they're all very personal in that they're inspired by a place or person special to moxie and their slogans tell a story. if you order a tee for yourself, expect the story to come typed (with mistakes and all) on a little typewritten page; i find little novelties such as this so refreshing and so much more rewarding than getting some old tee in a polythene wrapper from X online store.

another reason to heart moxie is because of the price, which at £23 a pop is certainly no piss take, especially when the personalised tees (you drop them a line with your own slogan) cost exactly the same to "encourage people to have their own tee that tells their own story."
check out the loveliness
** to clarify, this is my (i guess you could say..) "policy" on chatting shit about amazing products.. I'll only feature products that I genuinely love on this blog, regardless of any freebies or incentives, because selling out smells badd. i got in touch with moxie to let her know i was going to feature her lovely tees on the blog and she kindly offered to send me one of my own. thanks again m. x **


  1. Anonymous10:57 pm GMT

    I like you style..

  2. now i want one pretty bad...

  3. saw these t shirts in a magazine at the weekend and loved the idea too

  4. Anonymous11:18 pm GMT

    I really like the Echo Park one. It takes a lot for people to stand in solidarity for their neighborhood.

  5. Where did you get your skirt? It's lovely.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. the links not working & when I goggle 'I heart boxie' I'm still not finding it-help! I want one

  8. nevermind! 'I love boxie' did the trick

  9. your tee is awesome! love how you're wearing it.

    oh and thanks for the tip, I've been racking my brain for xmas gift ideas and this is a reaaaaally good one!

  10. what a great idea! and i love the skirt you're wearing in the pictures...


  11. you are wayyyyyy too adorable!! love seeing your gorgeous face.

    xoxox jess

  12. That tshirt is pretty darn cool and you wear it very well :)

  13. it's a super duper cute tee

  14. oh these are so cute and funny!! I want one so bad... thanks a lot for telling us :P

  15. if you could write your own stuff on the shirts, i would write a letter to my favourite someone on the tee.

    "dear ♥,

    how are things ? you know i miss you. come home soon !
    so, i got my report card yesterday ! not bad.
    nothing else is really new except that i broke the kitchen sink.
    we have to hit up new york soon.


    whether that fits on a tee is debatable ...


  16. Very Cool! I love it with the gray skirt and black blazer. Awesomeness :)

  17. Hey gorgeous!

    Great to see you still look amazingly good and your blog's still amazingly cool....

    Mine has become amazingly abandoned all over again, turns out juggling with university and blogging is not as easy as I'd thought...

    Loveeee xxxx

  18. this is such a fun idea! I just had a look at the website and I have to admit that there's something very appealing about these shirts eventhough I'm usually not a big fan of shirts with text ;)

  19. aw such a cute tshirt!

  20. Oh wow what a lovely idea!

  21. Very cute shirt indeed!

  22. was planning to post about these and your beat me to it!

    you picked a good one, looks great.

  23. was planning to post about these and your beat me to it!

    you picked a good one, looks great.

  24. you look adorable, deer. adorable.

