Sunday, November 16, 2008

the pearl jumper fiasco

sorry for the topshop whoring; but you know you would too!


i guess i should have kept you abreast of the pearl jumper fiasco, but finally all the drama is over and thankfully (okay, maybe there is a God..) it all ended just swell.

this month at work has been the month that we get to buy items on our uniform allowance (a not too shabby 75% off) and bearing in mind this fact, there have been items i've had my heart set on for at least a month and waited to get it on the cheap.

the pearl jumper is this item. and what happens? a couple of days before I can claim my lovely discount, alexa blooming chung steps out in the very same knit and swooosh, it sells out.

gone, vamoosh!

after much frustration, agonising and emailing head office in search of what had now turned to resemble the holy grail of style quests, some incredible person returned the item to our store.

and well, i haven't taken it off for the past three days.



  1. it looks 10x better on you than it does on alexa anyways :]
    if only topshop shipped to canada ! we canucks with our public health care and igloos are always getting left out of the fashion world.


  2. Always get thing when the getting is good!

  3. Things, I meant. I have a sticky keyboard.

  4. ah you look fab! 75% off at topshop sounds like a dream, and you got the jumper... thank god for those who return!

    if it was me i would never take it off either.

  5. I love this!

    Thank god someone returned it, heh.

  6. As much as i'm looking forward to summer, I am so jealous that you Brits get all the best winter fashion before us!
    That pearl jumper looks mighty fine on you, grrrrl.

  7. oh, i hate when that happens! glad you finally got your hands on one!

  8. :D Poor you, great that you got it.

    juliet xxx

  9. THE jumper! oh how happy i am that we are such good friends so i can steal it for my own "not being able to take it off" purposes. heee!

    & the skirt?! darling, i think this is (one of) my favourite looks of yours to date! you just look perfect. just perfect.

    am emailing you back tonight; it might run long though - ive got a lot to share ;]

    love you love you!

  10. Oooooh I love that jumper!

  11. i love that jumper, it's so cute

  12. i agree with jessica on both terms.

    first YOU look SO much better in it.
    <3 it !!!!!!!!!

    second why oh why does Topshop not ship to Canada ?

    oh my.

    you look stunning beauty.

    i would wear that baby until all the bobbles fell off. and the sweater started to unravel...

    have a wonderful start to your week.


  13. Anonymous1:47 pm GMT

    ahhhh have had a similar fiasco with this jumper. I work in topshop too and was actually there when alexa bought it....and there for the subsequent hordes of neurotic women.
    somehow a few weeks after we had completely sold through about 8 turned up that had been hidden in the stockroom and I snapped one up as soon as they did. im never waiting for anything again. nothing that nice anyway.

    did you get to use your uniform discount on the jumper? we're only allowed to use it on bottoms and shoes!

  14. Anonymous4:23 pm GMT

    It's quite depressing that someone like Chung causes such an effect...

  15. i LOVE that jumper but couldn't find it anywhere! 75% off!!! crazy talk sister...i personally treasure the 10% off i 'won' in their online christmas game (which, btw, wasn't a real game, i'm sorry topshop)

    anyway it looks lovely, congrats! no worries on the commenting front, i've been a bit absent myself..

    y-s x

  16. Looks way better on you than Alexa. Very cute!

  17. i love this jumper - actually ive been lusting after quite a few topshop knits recently.

    it looks amazing on you!
    you're a pretty lucky girl

  18. I have that sweater too! I am so happy with it, it's sooo warm.

  19. damn alexa chung...damn her! so jealous of that 75% discount...although under these circumstances it could bring more pain than joy.

  20. that sweater is just beautiful, I still regret not ordering it when I had the chance ;)
    it looks great on you!

  21. oooooohhh aaaaahhhh!!!! im sooooooooooooo jealous!!!!! you re so LUCKY u found it!!!!!!!!!

    i luv it! (quite obviously :P)

    *i got the skirt but the top was sold out :/ i so luv this combination :D

  22. it looks fab! it was meant to be i guess!

  23. stevie you look great!! you look better in that thing than ms. chung

  24. ohhh such a gorgeous outfit i loveee the skirt to death too!

  25. oh my gosh! i am so utterly jealous! it looks amazing on you!

  26. Anonymous10:31 pm GMT

    i'm sorry but that outfit makes you look huge. and you're obviously not. you have amazing legs. but that jumper tucked into that skirt? i wouldn't.

  27. Anonymous3:47 pm GMT

    heyy, what size did you get this jumper in? I also bought this when it came out! but mine is a size 8 is incredibly short and makes me look look so much better in it than I do :( Also, has yours gone bobbly?
