Friday, November 14, 2008

Quote of the Day

Morning everyone! Fancy some pessimism with your breakfast?

"Don't do it. Find another career. People have so many misconceptions about this job and what is required. Styling is 90 percent production and sometimes only 10 percent creativity. Loving clothes is not a good enough reason to do this job. If you love clothes, go shopping; don't become a stylist. I love music but have no illusion to thinking I could be a musician."

oh really? you don't think i should?

thank god you told me. i could have wasted so much time.

stylist haidee findley-levin pisses all over the fire that is "your dream career".


  1. Nobody likes a Debbie Downer... I don't think anyone wanting to be a stylist is under the impression that it's a walk in the park to become successful, but there's no need to bash that dream over the head!

  2. Anonymous4:46 am GMT

    eww if she hates it so much she needs to just quit!

  3. It's a tactic she's just scared other people will take her Job every job has its shit but the pluses are amazing (well that's what i continue to tell myself )

  4. ridiculous!

    id like to know her reasons for staying.

    perhaps it is all just as glamourous & lovely as we all think & they just release statements like this all the time to make us think otherwise so as to keep it all for themselves...

    just thinking aloud here.


  5. omg she sounds sooo depressed and insecure about her oh-so shittly life

  6. That is arrogant...but I do see how it could help dissaude girls who like "shopping" as opposed to fashion from becoming stylists...

  7. Anonymous10:30 am GMT

    i love those kind of people... they are so obviously liars, yet they think they are so smart, kind of like the kids who think if they close their eyes you can't see what they are doing.

    that said, the few times i did styling... i really didn't like it as much as i thought i would....which is why i'm not a stylist.

  8. everyone tries to convince me not to follow their career...

  9. i work as a stylist full time and it is a lot of hard work /stress/insane hours and it's not something you should just because you love clothes.
    having said that, if you are lucky and get a great project and a crew - it's so much fun that it should be illegal.

  10. :P i say, who gives a flying fandango? idowhatiwant.

  11. I don't know man, considering how many faaaaashion girls think that being a stylist is their ultimate calling - I think she's definitely got a point. Not trying to bash anyone's dreams here though.

  12. Anonymous7:38 pm GMT

    ahahah i love it, this post is classic. its great you add humour to such a pessimistic comment. wanna link?

  13. hmm, thanks a lot love! and this is coming from a stylist, well i'll gladly swap my humdrum life with yours!

    y-s x

  14. We-ell she does kind of have a point! But she could have put it in a nicer way...
