Thursday, December 11, 2008

advent season: day eleven; topshop christmas party

last night was the topshop christmas party, and it was the most fun i've had in a very long time. i can tell you, keeping your expectations low works wonders. the first half of the evening was spent wandering around swapping outfit information and generally touching everyones dresses and oohing and ahhing over shiny shoes.

i went in my new leather fringe skirt (we're getting married this sunday) and a slouchy AA tee, pictures another time.

i don't usually post personal pictures, but as it was a topshop party, it only felt right! plus i love that everybody at my work is incredibly stylish yet no one comes off looking like a hipster camera whore.(with the exception of andrew maybe, in his wayfarers. but he's a total sweetie and i'm saying this affectionately!)

oh, what was I saying about hipster camera whores? me and leo taking the piss..


  1. aww I love christmas parties.
    you looks so lovely!
    red nails + lots of fabulous rings = perfection.

  2. Anonymous1:31 am GMT

    You're downright beautiful.

  3. Anonymous2:11 am GMT

    ooo fun i'm jealous

  4. which colour of nails is that? wow i love it!


  5. Everyone is so preeetty!!!
    Especially you.
    You totally work that effortless coolness.
    I'm asking you again as seen last time you turned off my proposal..will you marry meeee??


  6. your christmas do looks lush - which topshop do you work in? i work in manchester and our christmas party was also this week, my photos will beup on my blog soon!I was too drunk to remember lots of it but the bits i do remember were fun! xx

  7. your christmas do looks lush - which topshop do you work in? i work in manchester and our christmas party was also this week, my photos will beup on my blog soon!I was too drunk to remember lots of it but the bits i do remember were fun! xx

  8. Stylish peeps! and can't wait to see your leather fringe skirt.

  9. how fun! everyone was probally dressed amazinlgy!

  10. I like thse photos! Everyone has wonderful fur coats, well you do need it with this English weather

    y-s x

  11. this makes me excited for the H&M Christmas party this sunday! I already know what I'm wearing!

  12. You have the best life.

  13. wowee look at all the fur!

    megan /

  14. Leo has fab hair! And the rings are looking good...Glad it was fun :)

  15. wowowowow!
    topshop christmas party!??! how fabulous. your pics are making me wish i had a cool job, rather than packing orders for an online store.
    your leather fringe skirt sounds like the coolest thing too! ah so jealous!
    looks like you had fun though, just as you should at a christmas party.

  16. Oh is that the Sebastian Tellier AA t? I have it also, its sooo stretchy!

  17. ahh, this looks like so much fun!

    i wish i could have been there dancing my arse off to abba with you! heee!

    you look lovely, as always me deer.

