Saturday, December 20, 2008

advent season; day twenty, love story and late nights

since the start of the christmas holidays, I have watched a film a night, working my way through a backlogue of recordings.

I'll go to bed each night, humming the theme tune and dreaming of the costumes.

So far I've watched
Love Story
Me Without You
and Pulp Fiction

Love Story, rather appropriately had me head over heels, and I'm now craving Ali McGraw's wardrobe from that film so badly..

Me Without You is great too, rather intense in parts, but it spans from the early 70s to the early 90s documenting the changing fashions and music along the way.

And Pulp Piction, is well, a classic.

Here is some Love Story inspiration, and note to self.. must find well cut red teadress!


María said...

That red dress!! Karen Walker did a great version a few seasons ago (I think Sienna Miller wore it).

young-shields said...

Ooh i must watch it.

Pulp Fiction is such a fave of mine. The jive scene may just be my favourite scene EVER

A La Mode said...

Wow that red dress is beautiful!

jeanie annan-lewin said...

no one understands the awesomeness of this movie it also saddens me that ill never find a boy as pretty as that my hair will never grow that length and i will never ever find that coat she wears i've spent a fair few hours trying to hunt something similar down on ebay boooooo

Anonymous said...

Ali McGraw is so beautiful, lovely post!!

this wheel's on fire said...

Fantastic movie choices!!

A. said...

i mustmustmust see this movie.

her wardrobe is positively swoon worthy!


Olivia said...

Ahh I love love LOVE Love Story
its a beast to find on DVD though!

Anonymous said...

ilovvve this film so effing much.