Tuesday, December 30, 2008

will this be the last post of 2008?

..quite possibly. for I am working for the next two days and with evening plans and new years eve to throw into the equation, i don't see when i'll have the chance to blog over the next two days.

alas, there was so much i wanted to do to see out the new year.. but i promise i shall share what i got present-wise (it is tedious, and i promise i wouldn't if some of you hadn't seemed genuinely interested, he!) when i get back online.

have a great NYE, remember (because i'm as guilty of this).. don't build it into some perfect dream night it isn't. slip on your favourite heels and dance out, sip champagne at home, or devour mugs of hot chocolate in a mate's freezing garden shed. it is after all, just a night like any other, but with a little extra.

happy new year!

ps, i just rediscovered an old favourite song. it's lovely and anti-romance in a very, well, romantic way.

22: the death of all the romance by the dears.. click here


  1. i agree about not chocking nye up to be some sort of grandiose thing
    that way , when things possibly don'tplay out as planned, it's not the end of the world.
    just the end of the year !

    happy 09 :]


  2. Anonymous2:33 am GMT

    haha the cocoa in the frozen shed sounds interesting

    happy NYE to you too! i'll be enjoying a dinner out with my family whilst on our ski vacation :)

  3. Anonymous3:18 am GMT

    hope you have a good new years dear. xox

  4. ♥ oh ps, i'm no longer part of sick., as it no longer exists !!


    love !

  5. it took me quite some years to understand this! i havent even planned what i'm gonna do that night. like you say i ll just put my heels on drink and have fun! wherever with whoever!

    happy new year to you too!

    i luv this lady on the pic, the clothes, the hair, the styling.. amazing.

  6. ohh, no more discotheque confussion's posts for this year?
    okeeeey... :( haha
    I hope you have a great great great new year's eve.

    Oh! And if you have time, I'd love you to check out the colaboration someone did in my blog!


    PS: lovely pic!

  7. i just cried watching that dears video happy new year i'm staying in i'm working the next day Booooo

  8. Happy new year to you as well!

    PS, I am having problems with my sewing machine so it will take me a little bit more to do it. I'm sorry about that.

  9. Happy new year! And the video tugs my heart strings..

  10. hope you have a wonderful new years:-) hopefully i'll be slipping on the dancing shoes this year, did the whole sipping champagne at home in front of jools holland last year!

    looking foreward to seeing your pressies!

  11. Happy new year my dear!

    x x x x

  12. i'm still a bit uncertain about my plans for new year's. hope you have a blast!

  13. That photo is amazing. I didn't realize the model was topless until I looked really closely at where the gloves ended--i thought she was in a beige bodysuit or something.

    Happy new year!

  14. i tottaly love this picture. bloody brilliant.

  15. Anonymous3:14 am GMT

    happy new year!!!

  16. Anonymous6:37 am GMT

    Happy New Year Darling!
    much love,

  17. Happy new year for you too, Stevie!

    I also wanted to let you know that my blog Coloured bleu has moved to http://nerdy-trendy.blogspot.com, hope you can give me a visit someday soon :)

  18. Love that skirt.

    I love the idea of hot chocolate in a a garden shed. Happy New Year!


  19. I wish you a very, very happy new year!

  20. Anonymous4:29 pm GMT

    wooooooooooooooooooow sexy picture!!! I hope you have a great 2009 :) x

  21. happy new year!

    nice song~

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. happy newyear!
    I hope you'll have a great 2009 ♥

  24. have a great new year!
