Sunday, January 04, 2009

cool cat
uhh, hands up if it's "back to school" tomorrow?
whether it's work, college, school.. one things for certain, it's not under the duvet or in front of the tv.
god knows how i'm going to do this.
better get my head down with all those last minute essays.
happy sunday, everyone!


dirtyflaws said...

stfu love this photo

Anonymous said...

I'm with you!
Except that I'm scrambling to lacquer live rose petals and sketch a naked couple for an art project!
I'll miss waking up at noon every day. :)

Faith said...

*hand raise*you've read my without school is so,so sweet...really don't want to go back :0(

p.s. thanks for the comment!love this blog&even got my friend hooked

Emma said...

That pics hot! No school for me till the beginning of March (uni students here have like 3 month long holidays - and I took last semester off). Im working though (and way too much lol)

Vera said...

amazing image!! Amazing! Cool cat indeed!

Ella Gregory said...

Do you know what editorial this pic is from? I adore it!

hannah-rose said...

not for me hahahahahah woohooo to finishing school and the southern hemisphere uni timetables. :)

good luck for tomorrow though!


Annabel Wendt (LoveMore) said...

my hand is up so high i feel ill!
back to work after 2 weeks off! damnit!
love this pic! it's pretty sexy xxxx LM

Ana said...

I'm back to school on Tuesday. asdhdsahgdahdsgahd.

Would you mind changing the link for Snazzy to my new blog?

Siru said...

My back to school day is Wednesday. I'd rather wouldn't.

juliet xxx

Anonymous said...

ah, getting up at 7AM tomorrow. only coffee can save me then.

Michelle said...

I think it's downright CRUEL that all the deadline are around this time. I don't want the holidays to end!

Anonymous said...

Back to work tomorrow.... urgh...

Anonymous said...

Sigh. It's both for me. Back to work tomorrow and back to school a week after that. I'm trying to extend my laziness as much as possible to make up for it.

Hannah Swanwick Illustration said...

*Hand up*

Just done 4 history essays. If I have to write anymore I may die.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the reminder haha... Ohh I want break to last longer

Anonymous said...

same same.
but at least i'm doing it in style, bringing out my brand new flat thigh high boots :)

Anonymous said...

same same.
but at least i'm doing it in style, bringing out my brand new flat thigh high boots :)

jessica said...

good god, kill me now .
i really can't go back to school ..


Anonymous said...

Ooh i get to wait til wednesday!
But still, i feel your pain, and have a ton of work yet to be done!

Thu said...

are those tails on the shoes?

Saneeta Renee said...

back to school it is for me :(

Hannah said...

*raises hands* ugh, i am seriously not looking forward to going to school tomorrow. can't wait for annoying, sweaty kids and whacked out teachers. FUN! well, amazing photo and i hope your school is better than mine! :]

Fashion Tidbits said...

those heels are AMAZING! good luck with those essays

Anonymous said...

god i love australia.
4 weeks left before school.

wip27 said...

This is the first time i visit your blogg, i like it already

IKS said...

good luck, be brave and.. have a nice week :)

zoƫ said...

*hands up*

oh well, it had to happen sometime.
still, sooo much work to be done before tuesday (!!) mann.

alexandra grecco said...

<3 your blog!

Patries said...

nooo I love that photo

and awesome blog you have!

Anonymous said...

...please where can I buy a unicorn?