Wednesday, January 14, 2009

the miu miu moan

i feel disappointed. i was hoping miuccia and her team would completely transform katie holmes beyond recognition. although it could be argued that the airbrush tool did a good job at this anyway. remember when the lindsay lohan for miu miu adverts came out, whether you liked them or not (i love them, i must admit) they were fantastically un-lohan and fresh and interesting.

this is just dull. she is dead in the eyes, and the colours may pretty, but the backdrop is hardly a saving grace. I don't understand the holmes appeal at all. she seems to be getting an awful lot of "style icon" for owning jeans in multiple styles, and therefore being the "queen of denim"

reality check, in the "real world" people wear denim everyday.

rant over, i'd love to know what you think about the first of the ads to have been released.

image, grazia


  1. Anonymous12:08 am GMT

    they're better than vanessa paradis, but she's not anything special

  2. yeah im not super thrilled about the ads either...she kind of looks like victoria beckam in these...anyway..luv your blog! i just made one..u should check it out!

  3. Anonymous1:09 am GMT

    your first sentence sums it up for me completely. on a side note, i'd like to express my love for your blog, it always keeps me interested. x

  4. I am totally feeling you on the Katie rant. I find her so uninspiring fashion wise and boring as an actress.

  5. spot on. katie holmes does not interest me at all! "queen of denim" that's so absurd. she's just kind of blahh...
    they should bring back kirsten dunst, i loved her in those campaign shots.

  6. hate her & these.

    im sure the only reason shes gotten any of this attention is because of her now bank account (gag) due to her current martial status (double gag)


  7. they seem a bit bland, but it might look a little better on the page.

  8. I'm thinking the same thing, it's all very boring XP I wish they got someone more interesting then Katie Holmes, who isn't even iconic in the least. I agree with the above, bring back Kirsten! At least she brought some life and fun to the ads.

    xoxo Steph

  9. yucck yuck yuck, je n'aime pas katie holmes .

    go back to dawson's creek.


  10. Anonymous6:17 am GMT

    totally agree with you.. love kate as an actress ... but please stay out of fashion campaigns... yeck.

  11. i sympathize with the katie holmes rant. she's just .. yawn

  12. I don't really like her.

  13. Extremly disappointed with the choice. Katie who? Pfff

  14. I agree. There seems to be nothing behind they eyes. Tyra would not be pleased! lol

  15. Anonymous11:52 am GMT

    it's just katie holmes.. in miu miu. As inane as that sounds, its the truth. its so boring!! unengaging and just blah. When they have actresses in ads i want to see them transformed!! its so much more interesting when something completely different is pulled out of the bag. this is just.. bland.

  16. ah yawn... she's annoying, and not even miuccia could turn her into a star. i hope the rest of the campaign with the models in it like new comer myf shepherd, who i'm in love with mostly because she's australian hahaha and i have this bizarre sense of patriotism for australian models, is much better.

    well, here's hoping. and it's almost autumn/winter which means a new model next seaso.

    i just can't understand why miuccia would choose her? her style doesn't even fit into the miu miu aesthetic. sure she may be the right age group but she dresses so dowdily. blah.


  17. I don't like them, but I'm very happy because the spring campaigns are great this year! I love them all, even Chanel! haha

  18. truth be told. this ad is not that great

  19. Urgh i hate katie holmes and this as does miu miu no justice at all its awful!!! The Kirsten Dunst ones were the best. Katie Holmes is just a more casual Victoria Beckham wannabe


  20. this trully is rather dull. she looks dead. or at least brainwashed.

  21. Anonymous6:03 pm GMT

    Scrolling thru my blogroll this picture of Holmes for MiuMiu is everywhere. And I hated it the very first second I saw it. It doesn't get any better with everyone posting it.

  22. i'm not sure she looks like an alien but then kinda cool oh its to hard btw on another not please look at the blog i tagged you please play so i don't look like a complete idiot xx

  23. Anonymous9:25 pm GMT

    ---that is all---

  24. a) i've always hated miu miu.
    b) i've possessed the same dislike for katie holmes too.

  25. I'm gonna be different and say I quite like this. I like the clothes, the colours and the power of the ad as a whole.

    However, I really disliked Victoria's shoot, she looks awkward and uncomfortable, it's the antithesis of sexy.

  26. Anonymous2:06 am GMT

    Most people seem to dislike this campaign. There was so much buzz about upcoming miu miu campaign and lots of fresh new faces like Yulia Leontieva and Lena Lomkova doing it. And was really looking forward to seeing it. Now Im just majorly disappointed and probably gonna forget what this campaign looks like after I turn the page of the magazine.

  27. ahh, I completely agree! She looks odd, and the background is creepy. Not fashion creepy. just creepy.

  28. Just like you, I am not thrilled about this ad either, I am actually very disappointed. The as is nothing special, everything is too smooth, too pale, the lightning is not bright enough...I would even say it's a bit dull. The dress seems grorgeous though.

  29. i was disappointed too. loved vanessa paradis & kirsten dunst. i just don't think katie holmes is edgy enough!?

  30. it looks like she took a page out of posh's book...

  31. can't wait to see all ads.
